This sunset was so pretty. This picture doesn't do it justice but the clouds were nice.
Another day with some really dark clouds. I absolutely love days like this. The sunny, warm days depress me. Seriously. It's so crazy. I'm much more likely to be out for longer walks in weather like this.
I stopped by one of the metal tree benches again. For those of you that are newish to my blog, I'll post more pictures of the metal trees and benches from my neighborhood.
When my city enlarged the I95 freeway that's situated right behind the 18 foot tall wall you see here, they decided to do a beautification project as well. And they decided on metal trees and metal benches. It gets to 120F/48C at times in the summer here so sitting on a metal bench isn't happening in the Summer. Real smart.
All of these metal trees and benches are right in my neighborhood but they are all over the place in Las Vegas. And yes as you can see people do mark them up with graffiti but city workers come by every once in a while and just spray paint over it with the green paint to cover it up.
A metal tree and a metal bench.
A better look at one of the metal trees. They still make me laugh. I don't know what idiot thought this was a great idea. They're so weird but I'm used to them now. Thought I would post these pictures for the new readers who might not have seen them yet and for older readers who want another good laugh.