In January the leaves fell off of the tree across the street and we got some cute pictures of Falcor.
In February my daughter put up a few decorations for Valentine's Day. The Valentine tree was cute.
In March my daughter put out some Easter decorations. The wreath is so colorful.
These little Easter tree's are too cute.
We had some gorgeous sunsets in April because of all the storm clouds we had that month.
My daughter planted some radishes in the garden and these pretty purple flowers popped up in May.
This bush with the pretty purple flowers that I spotted in June.
In July we had a few days of cloudiness but no rain. But it did make for some nice sunset pictures.
In August I made my first AI pictures and it made me laugh because the little rat/dogs came out looking like Falcor.
In September I bought a new camera after my old one stopped working. I'm pretty happy with it.
We had a once in a lifetime glance at Comet A3 in October as it was passing by. That little faint while line is the comet.
In November my daughter and grandson took this picture and it just made me laugh. The looks they are giving each other is so funny.
The Christmas tree for December.
My daughter and I also walked around the neighborhood and looked at Christmas lights in December.
Merry Christmas!