Sunday, June 05, 2005

Going to the Mall

Well I am so thoroughly tired right now, I can barely lift my hands to type. lol Well, maybe not that tired but I am worn out. I just spent 5 hours Walking in the Mall with my 13 year old daughter, going from one store to the next. We spent most of our time in Hot Topic. It's a Skull Gothic store, and she loved everything she saw but she was hesitant to part with her $55.00 she earned in the past 2 weeks , pulling weeds for our apartment manager. So she would pick this and that up, then put something back pick something else back up, put it down, then ask me for more money, Dollar Smiley of which I said no. lol She has to learn that if you have so much money that's what you spend. So she ended up buying a black lace shirt with purple t-shirt type material underneath, a few of those rubber bracelets Bracelet that are so popular with the kids, a pink and black skull Skull belt, a studded wrist band, and a faery t-shirt.
Then we went to Torrid, another gothic Skull type store, except it's for the "bigger" girls, lol I found a few shirts in there for me. lol She bought a nightgown that's black lace. It's really cute, I think ken might not like it, but hey, she's old enough to wear nice nightgowns if she wants to. It came with a robe and it's long enough that it looks really cute. It's not like she's going to school in the thing. It's not like we went to Frederick's of Hollywood and got something with holes where the breasts are suppossed to be. LOL lol Can you tell I just know ken's going to think I let her buy something to "grown up?" yeah well he can bite me. I didn't see him going to the mall. At least I didn't let her get the t-shirt that she couldnt figure out but that she wanted. It had a Rooster standing by a large sucker on it. Now think about it. and you'll understand why I didn't let her get it. LMAO She still has no idea. lol
We went by See's Candy Chocolates and I bought us both ne of those hard chocolate suckers, then we went to the Pet shop and looked at all the animals. Hamster Rat Puppy 2 Kitty 1 When we left she started sneezing, I really thought as long as she didn't pet the dogs or cats this time she would be ok, but no. The allergies got to her and she took a Benadryl when we got home, if all that walking didn't tire her ass out I'm sure the Benadryl will. lol


  1. Sounds like a fun time. I haven't been to the mall, or Hot Topic in a couple months. Last time I was there I looked at a pair of pants that they wanted $95 for. I could make my own cheaper than that.

    My day wasn't too bad. I got out of the heat before it got too bad. And before the storms started. My last two posts on my page tell how things have been going. At least it will be two once they get the one I just typed up posted.

  2. Hey shaggy, I couldn't believe the prices on some of the stuff in Hot Topic. I did however see a Living dead doll there that I want to go back and get. lol $26.00 for her. The coat my daughter was looking at was $72.00 and I thought it was just too much. But some of their stuff isn't too bad and I love going in there to look at the jewelry. i bought myself a ring while I was in there, silver and black onyx.

  3. Hey Will, Ken never goes shopping with me, he would rather I go by myself and He likes me to get his stuff for him too. lol I've had him pick out a few things for me when we first got together and we have such different taste in clothes that for him to buy me anything I would end up looking like Little Miss Muffet, with frilly petty coats and a bustle. lol But that's ok cause I like going shopping alone. I can go anywhere I want and not have to worry about the other person getting bored.

  4. I like a lot of the stuff at Hot Topic, and those Living Dead dolls are cool, but for the prices they want on some of the stuff I could make it cheaper myself. Not that i have ever really thought about it, but if i'm gonna where something different I want it to be completely my own.

  5. I know some of the prices are crazy, but I've tried my hand at making clothes I even have a sewing the stuff I make looks NOTHING like what i intended it too. I would rather just buy it than try to make it. lol

  6. Anonymous7:42 AM

    The emoticons attached to your article look cute! Hmm, it looks like both of you had fun! And she learned how to manage her $55 the right way. Who says malling can't be a learning experience for kids?

    [Larissa Dobbin]

  7. Thanks Larissa, we had fun that day.


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