Monday, June 29, 2015

Happy Raturday!

Welcome to a new weekly blog post I'm calling, Raturday! I've seen Caturday and while that's really cute, I think the rats needs some photo time so everyone can see how cute these little animals are. I've got permission from Rat Logic's fb page to share their pictures on my blog. So get ready to smile because these are cute. 

*click pictures to enlarge*

*What your rat would text to you if he had a phone*


  1. love the 'human in the big cage'. :)

  2. lol those wiggling pillows can be a pain

  3. I'd give that cute little praying rat extra yoggies any time.

  4. The "All Life Matters" is a sweet one.

  5. If my dog could text me it'd go something like this

    I need to go outside

    I need a treat

    I need to go outside

    I need a treat

    I need to go outside

    I need a treat

    I need a treat

    I need a treat

    I need a treat

    I need to go outside

    1. I think my dog would say the same things.

  6. I dont have a rat, but I'd imagine it'd be texting something like "shes coming at me with a broom". Rats freak me out, I'd die if one was just chillin in my house that I didnt know.

  7. Our rats also love their pasta, that picture of the rats with the pasta is adorable. I actually sent my boyfriend a text once, pretending it was from one of our rats. It seems rats are always in for a treat. Our rats actually haven't destroyed a lot yet, for which I am glad.

  8. Haha! Ate the remote buttons. I could see this happening with my mom's dog.


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