Tuesday, September 05, 2017

I'm a guest reviewer at I Smell Sheep!

Book Description

In a beautiful compound hidden away from the world, Emeline Sanchez tries to blunt the pain that has wracked her body ever since her terrifying ordeal in the labyrinth beneath the city—when she was forced to exchange blood with an evil master vampire. 

Now, it’s his voice that haunts her...that calls to her in the dark...that never lets her rest. And while the children that she helped to free from his clutches struggle to heal, watched over by their Carpathian protectors, Emeline knows one thing: She must sacrifice herself to keep them all from harm...

For her beauty is irresistible to the vampires, her psychic ability like a drug. Whipped into a frenzy, they’ll never stop coming for her. And only the taste of one Carpathian warrior—the rush of his blood—can save her...

I'm a guest reviewer over at I Smell Sheep where I reviewed this book. If it sounds good to you, go read my review. This is one of my all time favorite series.

You can find the review at I Smell Sheep.


  1. Replies
    1. I read them as soon as they come out. lol

  2. Dang, I thought it was just me, but I smell them too.

  3. She writes in all types of genres doesn't she. I really must try her!

  4. Thanks for your review. You have a way with words and are so evocative.

  5. OH No a blood exchange with a evil master vampire, that doesn’t sound fun at all. I can’t imagine knowing I have to sacrifice myself, that’s a hard cross to bear. I’m going to check out Smell Sheep for your review.

  6. I hear a lot of great reviews on Christine Feehan. I am going to have to put a few of her titles in my online library queue to check out this fall.

    1. You really should. The first book in this series was really good too.

  7. Some day I will get to her books, but good to know that this many released and she's still a powerhouse.

    1. I really hope you do check her out.

  8. Sophia used the perfect word to describe the great Christine Feehan - powerhouse. She can write about vampires and love like no other. Going over to check you out. Hugs...

  9. Great review of the book!

  10. Back to sniffing sheep, geez.

    1. LOL Yes, they might smell good. Ya never know.

  11. I've been meaning to read this series but there are so many books in the series I feel a bit intimidated about starting it. So many books to get through.

    1. Just start with the first one and work your way through.

  12. one day I'll have to try this author!

  13. She's a really good author.

  14. I have not had a chance to read her books.


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