Sunday, November 12, 2017

Apartment Life #1

This is a new weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that happen in and around my apartment complex here in a weekly blog post. 

This week I'm going to share a little back history and some of you that have been reading my blog for a long time might recognize a few of these pictures. 

We've lived in this apartment complex for 20 years and we've had 8 apartment managers in that time. When we first moved in we were paying $375 a month for this 600 sq foot 1 bdrm apartment. In the past 20 years the rent has only gone up $200 and that's one of the main reasons that we're still here. The neighborhood has gone to shit but people come and go pretty quickly and we have new neighbors all the time.

When we first moved in 20 years ago it was a quiet neighborhood but as time has gone we've seen more and more drug dealers moving into the neighborhood. More police, fire engines, news people and more scammers around here. 

A few years ago we had a murder across the street. Some guy busted down an apartment door and shot both people in the apartment, killing one of the people. 

The police, news, CSI and coroner showed up. But that wasn't the only murder around here. There have been 3 murders on my street and behind the store parking lot on the other side of my apartment complex. 

The police seem to be on my street quite often and I usually take a picture of the cars from my bedroom window to document how often they come here. 

I never know what I'm going to see when I look out my bedroom window. One time there was a food truck sitting there and people from all the apartment complexes started walking over to it. They did good business that day. lol 

For the most part we've gotten along with most of our neighbors but sometimes the drug dealers have people knocking on their bedroom windows at 3am and they get the wrong apartment *Mine* and then Ken gets mad after it happens 3 or 4 times and makes a sign so the idiots know what window to knock on. 

And then there was the neighbor who lived right next door to us that set up chairs and planted some flowers in pots right in front of my door and directly behind my bbq. She even took a small dog house and put it behind the chairs for her small daughter to play in but her daughter wanted nothing to do with it. This person got evicted within a couple of months and the manager threw all of this stuff in the trash. 

Someone gave us their bbq when they moved out and then the manager decided that she didn't want anything outside, not even bbq's unless you were using them. So we gave this to someone else. Our place is small and this was a big bbq, we just didn't have room to store it inside.

So that's all for this week but I'll share more about Apartment Hell  Life next week!


  1. Yeah, you've probably got a ton of stories to share. The window sign being necessary just makes me shake my head.

    I saw our old neighborhood out in California get rundown and bad just before I moved. We kept getting robbed for drug money and there were so many patrol cars and the helicopter was used often.

    It will be interesting to see what comes next in Apartment Hell Life posts. :)

    1. OMG Super Sophia! You were robbed for drug money near your home??!! That's horrible! Thank goodness you got out of there! Hugs...RO

  2. It's quite impressive. Curious to read more of you!

    1. Yeah I'm impressed that I put up with it. lol

  3. Makes my first piece of crap apartment look like paradise. At least you have entertainment, although some idiot kicking down a door and shooting people would make me want to move far far away lol

  4. I've heard about your place via Facebook, and it never ceases to surprise me. You guys are good at taking it all in stride despite some of the crazy drama. There was an apartment complex near me about 5 years ago that struggled with drugs, but they hired a manager who totally turned that place around. She literally drove around at 2-3am to in the complex to check on residents or have unknown cars towed, or the police called. I turned around in there one time, and she stopped me to ask what I was doing there?lol It took her about a year, but that place is spotless, and there is no drug activity at all. I hate that you have to deal the nonsense and shooting. Hugs...RO

    1. If we had a manager that would clear out the trouble makers it would be a lot better here.

  5. I also hate that you have to deal with this crap, but I'm glad you are going to tell us all about it.....😂

    I still get a kick out of Ken's sign.....did it work? And that neighbor who basically set up an entire backyard in a tiny space is just nuts!

  6. I've seen a few of your stories on Facebook and Twitter. I lived in an apartment complex similar to yours when I was in college. Not so much criminal, but a lot of bad neighbors. We had a drunk guy walk in one time. He thought it was his apartment. He lived on the floor below us.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. When we first moved here we had someone walk in on us, they lived next door. lol

  7. Crazy! I would like to say that we don't have any murders by us but that's not the facts. I love my neighborhood but over the years it's changed.

  8. Wow, at least it isn't boring. But I know what it's like to live in a bad neighborhood. Look forward to reading more stories. :) ~Aleen

  9. Thanks for sharing your news ...
    Stay safe

    All the best Jan

  10. Hi, i'm a new follower, can you follow mine on my blog? <3 <3 <3

  11. Jesus Christ. I don't know how you stand it. I'm barely tolerant of my neighbors and I live in one of the quietest complexes in my life. I feel like the older I get, the more set I am, the less patience I have for the little stupid shit like this.

    You are a saint.

    1. I used to be quick to anger back when I was younger. I'm a bit more tolerant in my old age.

  12. I kind of miss apartment life, but the drug dealers were taking over when I left mine. No murders (that I know of), thankfully. I hope you stay safe. I look forward to your next segment on apartment hell.

    1. Amy! Girl, where have you been? I've tried finding your blog but when I click on your name it says your blogger profile is private. Do you still have a blog because I can't find it. Glad to see you again.

    2. You can find it at I stopped blogging for a while but I've recently started back.

  13. No, not right away. Maybe one of these days if we can find an affordable apartment we might.

  14. Thanks for sharing the things you're dealing with, dang! I thought our neighbors were bad!

    1. It's a crazy neighborhood for sure.

  15. I often say that I want to live far away from all other people. It sounds like your neighbors may top anything I have to deal with. I would worry about the crime but at least it doesn't sound boring. Stay safe, Mary!

  16. That's why I'm glad where I'm at, it's so rural there isn't much going on. Not many people hanging around looking for trouble

    1. I would like to be far away from others.

  17. And I thought I had some stories from apartment living. I think you win.

    1. LOL It's an adventure around here.

  18. Oh wow, we've had a few issues in the past at apartments we lived in, but nothing like this!!!

    1. Yeah it's an interesting neighborhood.

  19. That's a long time to live in one place. That sucks the area has gone downhill over the years. It's always frustrating to see that happen.

    1. I can hardly believe we've been here that long sometimes.

  20. I often see your stories on Facebook, it sure sounds like there's always something happening in your neighborhood. That's kinda creepy you had 3 murders take place so close by.

    Too bad it's not such a nice neighborhood anymore as when you moved in. But it is nice the rent hasn't gone up much.


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