Sunday, November 19, 2017

Apartment Life #2

This is a new weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 20 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 20 years here in a weekly blog post. 

This week I thought I would show you some apartment maintenance. Or at least how my apartment complex takes care of apartment maintenance. 

It rained one night and the next morning the overhang in front of a couple of apartments had detached and was ready to fall down. Instead of bringing the whole things down they decided to take wood and prop it up until the next day when maintenance got here and fixed it. It was quite dangerous and could have fallen on someone.

These are just a couple of cracks in the over hangs over the walk ways and instead of fixing it, they had someone come out and put in staples and paint over it. 

They got paint all over the walk ways when they did it.

Sometimes when an apartment is vacant, they will take the air conditioners out and put them in other apartments if the AC goes out. Instead of putting a board over the huge hole, they left it open for weeks and we let the manager know that homeless people were crawling into the apartments through the holes and spending the weekends there. 

This might be one of the reasons that the overhangs gets soaked through and fall down. They hadn't cleaned the gutters for 3 years. That's pine needles from the pine tree's. 

We only have someone come by once a week and pick up trash from the complex so this shopping cart and other trash ends up staying where kids and people throw it until the grounds people come and remove it.

These pictures are taken right out my bedroom window. This black sludge is raw sewage leaking right out of the sewer pipe that the plumbers use to snake out our apartment building's pipes when they back up.

I had the smell of raw sewage coming in through my bedroom window even with it closed, for the entire weekend because the apartment manager wouldn't answer her emergency phone or door on the weekends. She says she has the weekends off and unless the place is burning down, don't bother her. She wouldn't even answer the phone.

So Monday morning Ken told her and the maintenance man about the problem and she called the plumber but she had no intentions of cleaning up the raw sewage that had already leaked out under my window, so Ken was out there with a shovel and bucket and was shoveling it up.

The bad thing was it's not even the only time it happened. The sewer pipes for this entire complex are really old and they back up all the time. If you look closely at the bottom right hand side of this picture you can see the black pipe that had a broken cap on it that the sewage leaked out from. This happened several times before they got a cap that fit this pipe. Then last year the bigger pipe in the alley overflowed with so much sewage that someone called the news and they came out and interviewed people here about it because it went on all weekend again before the plumber was called out to fix it. 

So that's all for this week. Come back next week for more Apartment Hell  Life!


  1. Whew! I'd like to think that is surreal, but its stuff like this that gets our local news 'Call For Action' lines and news segments the most air time. Just wow, Mary! Hugs, lady!

    1. We have a news piece called Contact 13 that also shows this type of thing.

  2. Greetings. Sorry for all of your complex troubles. They should sort out problems as they arise, and not have to wait a few days! Blessings to you.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  3. What really sucks is when people do this to houses you buy. At least with apartments, you can leave and find another place. Cheapos are terrible when it comes to home improvement

  4. it's crazy that they don't do more like that mainly as they know the problems.

  5. Blah, that place sounds likes it needs to be set on fire and call it a day.

    1. LOL that's one way to get rid of this place and the problems.

  6. Omg, that is just awful! I would have thought the news story would have caused changes to be made or at least the city to take notice and come out to hand out violations. Then again, as my last post demonstrates, that might be asking too much!

    1. Nope, nothing was said. It was fixed until the next time.

  7. Oh my, you've got apartment hell and one heck of a smell.

  8. That sounds pretty bad how they handle maintenance there, if you can even call it maintenance at this point.

    That sludge sounds nasty and it's annoying when you have to smell that the whole weekend. I hope they have cleaned the gutters by now.

  9. honestly! I thought I have had it bad (and that is like lightyears away

    1. lol It's been an experience for sure.


  11. Most of these things happened in the last few years with several different managers.

  12. Wow, that stench would do me in. Looks like this place is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

  13. I can see why you call it apartment hell life.

  14. Wow, I don't even know how to comment on that. How's your blood pressure? I think mine would be questionable high.

    1. It's normal. lol My anger is always simmering though.

  15. Goodness ...
    Can't be easy for you.

    All the best Jan

    1. It's been interesting entertainment at times.

  16. This would drive me nuts as I am sure it is doing for you. Maintenance needs a few how to lessons!

  17. It seems like your apartment manager needs to step up their game a bit! Some of that sounds really challenging, but I think the homeless people camping out in units would really be the line for me. That crosses from inconvenient/funny to dangerous.

  18. Wow that is some crazy stuff.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads


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