Sunday, January 07, 2018

Apartment Life! #9

This is a new weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 20 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 20 years here in a weekly blog post. 

This week I thought I'd share another video I took of one of my annoying neighbors. While I don't take a lot of video's, I have taken a couple and I had to get this one. 

This guy did this every morning at 3am and again in the middle of the day when he got home. That window is someone's bedroom window and he didn't care. He would start and ride his loud motorcycle in the courtyard and into his apartment. He kept his motorcycle in his apartment because we live in a bad neighborhood and he didn't trust it to be in the alley over night. But doing this was just rude as hell. Thankfully he moved out.

Well that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. I get really annoyed with people who make their vehicles make a lot of noise. Be it a truck, motorcycle or even cars. They just want to bring attention to themselves.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads & Books of My Heart

  2. They're beautiful to look at, but motorcycles scare me. Hugs...RO

  3. What exactly was the purpose? He looked like he was humping it there for a second lol

  4. LOL to Pat's comment as I was wondering the same thing! What the hell was he doing? And I can't believe he was allowed to ride it into his apt. The carpet must have been ruined. What a lunatic! Glad for you he is gone!

    1. The carpet was ruined. I have no idea what he was doing.

  5. I have a guy like him across the street. If I have to listen to him gunning his engine one more time I'll scream. My windows rattle when he does it. Not sure why he has to either?

    1. It's so annoying. Thankfully this idiot moved out.

  6. wow it's really rude, he doesn't even care of others

  7. Wow! People are so amazing (here not in a good way).

  8. That noise would be so darn annoying!

  9. "Thankfully he moved out."

    All the best Jan

  10. I hate motorcycles. They're noisy and dangerous. One of our neighbors across the street has one that he takes out for a ride most evenings. He stays in his driveway for the longest revving his engine. The purpose? Who knows!

    1. I don't know. I think they like bothering people.

  11. In our previous house we had a neighbor that would start his motorcycle in his garden. It always made a lot of noise. At least he didn't rev his engine too much, but those things sure make a lot of noise.

  12. probably afraid someone was going to flat the tires out of revenge

  13. Wow. I bet you're glad he moved out!

  14. That is terribly rude! I don't miss apartment life.

  15. I never understood why it was okay for motorcycles to be so loud, but if you have your radio up half as loud as a motorcycle you get a noise ordinance ticket. That guy sounds like a real jerk of a neighbor.

  16. That's messed up. He could at least be descent and walk it in and out without the motor on. It would be more difficult, but considerate.

  17. WOW what a rude person!!!

  18. He doesn't really look like he knows what to do with that thing. lol What a wanker.


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