Sunday, March 25, 2018

Apartment Life #20

This is a new weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 20 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 20 years here in a weekly blog post.

This week I have something gross to share with you that happened on Tuesday night. My toilet started flushing really slowly around 6pm, which is after hours and the manager does not answer her door or the phone after hours or on the weekends. But someone is supposed to answer the emergency maintenance phone when we call it, but again when I called no one answered that phone either. So we knew we were gonna have to wait until morning to talk to the manager and have her call a plumber. 

Then the smell is what alerted us that the overflow drain for the sewage was overflowing. So there was raw sewage spilling out all over the ground under my bedroom window and all over the sidewalk. This is for 16 apartments so all night when someone flushed their toilet or ran water, we heard this pipe over flowing but thankfully the wind was blowing the opposite direction and kept most of the smell from invading our bedroom. The fun just never ends around here.

This is the meter box for our fresh water and it got flooded with raw sewage. Of course no one came to clean it up after the plumber fixed the problem so Ken went out there with a hose and hosed the whole area down. 

I went out and took a short video so you could see what happened every time someone flushed their toilets or ran water. The sewage would just flow out faster and it spilled out all over the ground under my window and this happened all night long. It wasn't until 9am the next day that it got fixed. It was a real mess. 

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Holy cow! I can't believe the county health department hasn't come down on these people for not being accessible for this sort of situation.
    Poor Mary and Ken!

    1. This isn't even the first time. Last year we made the local news because the manager refused to call a plumber and the sewage was running all over the alley. The local news came and did a story.

  2. wow it's impressive that they didn't answer. I can understand having problems but at last someone needs to be available too

  3. Blah, that is nasty as can be. The health department should come down on their arse for not being available and having it fixed pronto.

  4. Oh my, that was pretty darn crappy!

  5. Ugh, I'm glad I don't have to worry about that.

  6. Bleck! That is so gross. I would have flipped out if that happened to me.

    1. It's happened several other times too.

  7. I would have lost my shit (no pun intended) over this. Totally ridiculous! It's a health hazard. :(

  8. Horrible! Would you believe our aunt in Vegas was on the news due to a code violation where she lives? I don't know if the issue was ever resolved. It's terrible to pay taxes and get zero help from the government.

    1. I believe it and people in Vegas are afraid to say anything because landlords can just give you a 30 day no cause and kick you out for no reason.

  9. You should write a book ;)

    1. lol That's why I'm wring these blog pots.

  10. DEAR LORD, MARY!!!! And that frigging manager never answers her door or the phone after hours or on the weekends? That's absurd.

    1. Oh I know. They don't get paid for anything after hours so they won't do anything. It's crazy for sure.

  11. YIKES! That sounds like a total nightmare, but glad it got cleared up. Your hubby is the best! Hugs...RO

  12. Ugh. That was not pleasant at all for you. We had a broken sewage pipe in our house once. Blocked everything up. It was horrible.

    1. It really is horrible. But at least they did get it fixed.

  13. Ack. That would suck. I don't suppose calling the health dept. would make a difference. they probably know all about the manager lol and don't do anything.

    1. They were called the last time this happened and made the news and they did nothing.

  14. I saw this over on FB. Just ridiculous. Can't believe they didn't handle things properly.

    1. It really doesn't surprise me anymore. At least it's fixed now.

  15. Yuck! There is never a dull moment at your place.

    1. Nope, it's never dull here that's for sure.

  16. OMG that's horrible. Glad they fixed "quickly".

  17. it got fixed but no one besides my hubby took a water hose to the area.


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