Thursday, March 08, 2018

Review: Beautifully Wounded by Susan Griscom

Book Description

Sometimes the only way to salvation... is to take a leap of faith.

Jackson Beaumont prides himself on being a nature-loving, guitar-strumming, carefree sort of guy. When the mysterious Lena Benton walks into his bar looking scared and defeated, it's not something he can ignore. He's immediately consumed by concern for her and driven by his desire to help. She's just so beautiful. So wounded.

After being shuffled from one foster home to another growing up, Lena Benton dreamt of finding her prince charming. When the captivating Troy Harington sweeps her off her feet shortly after high school graduation, she's certain she's found her happiness. Unfortunately, Troy's true colors surface shortly after their marriage and things turn ugly. Lena only has one choice. She has to leave him. She has to run... 

Lena's escape has brought her to Jackson, and he clearly wants to be there for her, but can she trust anyone again after what she's gone through? And will Jackson be able to help her heal without losing his heart? 

My Review

Wow, this story starts with a bang right from the very beginning. Lena is in a really abusive relationship and after a beating that she feared might be the last because he might just kill her this time, she makes a run for it. She's been saving money to try and get away from him but she isn't sure it'll be enough. She finds herself in another town but still scared. She ends up in a bar and the guy instantly realizes that something is not right with the woman at his door. 

Jackson owns the bar that Lena walks into and he and his brother also play in a band at the bar. Jackson is known to his friends and family for taking in strays and hurt animals, fixing them and letting them go. So it's really no big surprise to anyone that he wants to help the broken and battered women that walks into his bar. He gives her a safe place to stay for a few days and even tells her she can pay him back by playing his guitar after she played a little when she saw the guitar sitting alone on stage. 

Lena rely's on Jackson while she's recovering and deciding what to do next. She starts to trust him a little more and tells him the truth about what happened to her and he seems to know all sorts of people that might be able to help her because of his past schooling and job experience. Lena has to figure out how to secretly and safely get completely away from her husband and Jackson is right there to help her through it.

I have to warn you that this story starts out with a very graphic domestic abuse scene and the rest of the book is how she gets away from said abusive husband and deals with the aftermath of being an abuse victim. At times this book was really hard to read because of my own past with domestic abuse as a child watching it happen and as an adult being the person who was abused. These types of stories can bring up memories better left in the past but it's nice when you get to the end of a book like this and find a happily ever after. 

I really liked Jackson, his brother and their friends. This was an emotional story but I'm really glad I read it because I ended up really liking it. Lena is stronger than she knows and I was thrilled that she found a nice guy like Jackson after all she'd been through. 

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. 


  1. Tough situation, but glad she landed with a guy like Jackson to help her get back on her feet.
    Sounds good!

    1. I loved the ending. It was quite good.

  2. Sorry for the pain you have experienced. Thanks for the review. Sometimes I am not in the frame of mind to have sore spots poked, so I appreciate the caveats.

    1. Thank you. I can completely understand that.

  3. Nice when it gets to the happily ever after indeed, but can be brutal getting there sometimes.

    1. That's very true. Especially true for this book.

  4. Dang, that sounds like a pretty powerful story.

  5. I've read a story like this one before and I gave it a very good rating as well. I'm glad you enjoyed this one Mary considering the situation of the heroine


    1. It was very hard to read at times but it ended up really good.

  6. Books like these are tough to read, particularly for those who have experienced. We can't talk about abusive situations enough, so that people know there is light at the end of the tunnel, and the chance to start life again with someone who treats us with dignity. I'd love to know more about the book and the author, and enjoyed your review. Hugs...RO

    1. Thank you. I am definitely going to read more from this author now. This was a powerful read.

  7. I will have to read this one. Thanks for the review.

  8. That is one hot cover

  9. Great review Mary, it sounds like this one pulls at your heartstrings and gets you emotionally involved.

  10. It was but it was also a really good read.

  11. Great review, Mary. I've just read a book that dealt with abuse and sexual slavery. That was a hard read, yet the author pulled me in with her characters. It sounds as if the characters in this one were very believable.

    1. That's what makes this kind of book easier to read and more enjoyable.

  12. Whew! You wouldn't get that difficult of a subject matter from the cover. Good to know.

  13. I don't mind violence like that as long as it is something that the character is trying to get out of it. Sounds really good. Great review.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

  14. This sounds like something I would like. I just grabbed it from amazon and am looking forward to it.

    1. Oh good. Looking forward to hearing what you think.

  15. This sounds like a good book. I'm going to check it out.

  16. I imagine it was difficult to read a times but sounds like it was written well.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  17. Sounds nice how she finds a safe heaven when she escapes and gets to know Jackson and opens up to him. It can be tough to read about topics like that in a book eve more so if you experienced something similar yourself. I am glad to hear this was a good read for you.

  18. I read this book a while back. It was an emotional read for me, and I loved how it played out in the end. I am glad you enjoyed it too.

  19. Juss gotta warn you:

    I totally know whats on
    97.79% of people's minds:

    ...yet, sex aint allowed on earth
    unless you're married;
    if you [pl] continue to fornicate,
    you maaay risk Hellfire
    through YOUR, OWN, CHOICE!!!

    In Seventh-Heaven, have at it.
    Almighty God saith unto thee:

    Make Your Choice -SAW
    God bless your indelible soul.


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