Sunday, April 15, 2018

Apartment Life #23

This is a new weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 20 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 20 years here in a weekly blog post.

UPDATE: The neighbor has been telling everyone that it was a meth lab that got busted. 

This past Tuesday, Ken and I heard a really loud bang and Ken went outside to see what it was. It was so loud and we thought something exploded, scared the bleep out of us. He comes back in and tells me that SWAT is down the street and the bang we heard was most likely a flash bang (it was loud as hell!). So I went outside with my camera and took a few pictures. I have no idea what was going on but 2 guys were later taken out of that apartment in handcuffs. 

*Click on picture to enlarge.*

This is the original picture I took before changing it to a more close up picture so you can see how far away it was. I'm standing right outside my apartment complex and the SWAT van was about half a block away. Everyone came out when they heard the explosion. There were people in front of me, in back of me and on the other side of the street looking down the street.

*Click on picture to enlarge.*

I enlarged this picture so you could get a better look at the SWAT van and the police cars. 

*Click on picture to enlarge.*

Again this is the original picture when I started seeing people moving around down there.

*Click on picture to enlarge.*

And this is the same picture enlarged so you can make out the officer in SWAT gear and the other police down there.

*Click on picture to enlarge.*

They were down there quite a while and as word spread, more and more people started coming out but no one was walking down that way.

*Click on picture to enlarge.*

There were quite a few police cars driving up and down my street, parked in our alley and parked around the corner.

*Click on picture to enlarge.*

I stayed out there taking pictures for about 15 minutes. it wasn't until a little later that a neighbor said that police arrested 2 guys from that apartment. It was 90F that day so I didn't feel like standing around out there for too long.

*Click on picture to enlarge.*

Lots of people from my apartment complex came out to take a look. This is just a handful of the people that were out there. 

*Click on picture to enlarge.*

As I was walking back to my apartment I saw this police car parked around the corner. They were all over the place that day. It wasn't even 'my' apartment complex this week but I'm sure the people who live in that apartment complex got scared when they heard that loud bang. 

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, I think this was the first time I've seen them here.

  2. Damn, a regular tv show episode at your sea this week.

  3. I wonder if you'll ever find out what they did?

    1. I doubt it. We don't know anyone from that apartment building.

  4. Not everyday you see Swat

    unless your hood is really bad

  5. I'm so glad that I live out in the country where I don't have to deal with this often.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

  6. We did have SWAT show up across the street a few years back when one of the crazy neighbors went crazier, no flash bang though.

    1. Not often we get this kind excitement.

  7. You really never have a dull moment.

  8. SWAT? Say it ain't so, Mary. Those people mean business. How to turn this into something positive... Well, you can't say where you live in an uneventful area. Sigh.

    1. Never uneventful that's for sure. Sure makes for an interesting weekly post. lol That's my positive look on it.

  9. Oh wow, glad it wasn't at your complex, though still scary!!

  10. That is so scary!

  11. It doesn't really bother me anymore. It happens so often that when I see something I just shrug and move on. And take picture. lol

  12. Swat!
    That must have been scary.

    All the best Jan


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