Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Favorite Picture of the Week

*Click on picture to enlarge*

I have Agoraphobia so some days it's damn near impossible to even step outside my apartment door but I do try because I don't want there to be another 5 or 10 year stretch between times when I go outside. Yes, that has actually happened. I walk Falcor on the hiking path that is right next to my apartment complex. This day I walked a little farther down the path to this area. Yes, those are metal tree's and I know I've talked about the metal tree's before but this is a different area that has them. My neighborhood is weird. 

*Click on picture to enlarge*

That sidewalk path on the right hand side is the hiking path that I walk Falcor on and this little metal tree bench is in a little area to the side of that path. 

*Click on picture to enlarge*

This is a wider shot of what this area looks like with the metal tree's and metal bench. It's a strange place to put it because behind it and to the left of it are neighborhoods. So there are houses just a few feet from this area. But Falcor liked walking down here. 


  1. I imagine the metal trees provide a smidgen of shade at the right time of day? They look kinda cool. :)

    1. A little, but not much. It's a desert here so they wanted something that didn't use water to beautify the walking trail.

  2. Well at least there are no leaves to rake.

  3. Why don't they plant cacti?

    1. Because people have a bad habit of digging them up and stealing them.

  4. Hmmmmmm, metal trees must smell strange.

  5. I don't think I've ever heard of metal trees before. They couldn't have sprung for real ones for that rather barren plot of ground? Do people vandalize them or something?

    I don't know how hot Las Vegas gets, but if you have bad summers those metal installations must get too hot to touch.

    1. We get temps around 118F in the summer. And we're going through a drought. The metal tree's were part of a beautification project that took place along the Bonanza Trail which is where these metal tree's are.

  6. The metal trees are definitely unique. I would imagine they might provide a little shade. I wonder if the trees are hot to the touch in the sun? I would imagine they could give quite a burn.

    Good for you for getting out and about even though it can be hard or near impossible with agoraphobia. Plus- in your neighborhood who knows what you will see. :)

    1. They are hot to the touch in the sun. Thanks, I'm trying to get out a little more.

  7. It's kind of weird but I think I find these metal trees kind of cute hehe

    Vanessa @ Blushing Geek

  8. wow I never saw metal trees before. Thanks

    1. You're very welcome. I'd never seen them before either.

  9. I think it's great that you push yourself to go out for a little bit.

    I did have a good chuckle over those metal trees. They even put the one right up against a bench as if it's a nice shaded bench under a tree. LoL I see trees in the background, so I know they grow in the area.

    1. The city installed the metal tree's as part of a beautification project.

  10. I'm really not sure what I think of them.

  11. I've never seen anything like those trees before but it makes sense if people dig up the real thing. People are such ruiners of all things good!

  12. it's funny to have tree like that

  13. I'm happy to hear that you ventured out. Go you, Mary. Keep up the great job.

  14. OK so I was thinking Cacti too and then I read the comment and was all...people steal them!?! =_=

    1. They do. They steal pretty much everything.

  15. Your metal trees are whimsical. Oh, and look, its doing a good job of shading the bench. I'm surprised they didn't make it wooden (the bench) as metal would be hot to sit on in the summer.

    1. I'm sure they would be hot to sit on.

  16. I like the metal trees :)
    It's great that you push yourself to get outside even though you fear it.

  17. Way to go on challenging yourself!

    Is is bad of me to just think that my pups would probably rust that tree? LOL It really does look interesting though!

  18. Good for you for getting out. This looks like a nice place to walk. At least you have something to look at :)

    1. Thanks. There are a few of them around here.

  19. At least the leaves don't need raked in the fall when you have metal trees.

  20. I think I have mild agoraphobia when it comes to unknown places I've never been to or being around people I consider "toxic" to me.

    But with your wacky neighbors, I'd be afraid to step outside, just for basic general safety.

    1. Yeah it's crazy around here at times but they are usually fighting with each other and leaving me alone thankfully. I totally get the unknown places anxiety.

  21. I think the trees are cool and they are an excellent solution for a desert area.

    1. I thought it was a good desert landscape too.

  22. Very cool. And they don't require water! lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  23. I like seeing your pictures of those metal trees, I remember you posting about other metal trees before, these do look a tad different. They are pretty unique and it looks like they add some variety to the landscape. That's fun one has a bench next to it as well.

    1. I have posted about them before because it's so strange to me. But they're different.

  24. Unusual trees, but there is something good and likeable about them.

    Glad you got out ok.

    All the best Jan

  25. Metal trees. I guess it makes sense, and certainly could save water... but wow.

    Agoraphobia must be a really hard thing to deal with. I think you're amazing to be able to get out and walk with your dog.

    1. They are certainly unique. lol

      Thank you, I really appreciate that.


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