Sunday, May 06, 2018

Apartment Life #26

This is a new weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 20 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 20 years here in a weekly blog post.

Back in February I heard some really loud banging and looked outside to see 2 cops banging on my neighbors door. I quickly got my camera and started recording. But since I'm not used to taking a lot of video, I made the mistake of holding my camera side ways. Hence the side ways video. smh

But you can definitely hear what's going on and see what the police are doing. And yes, I took the video through my screen door because I'm not getting in the middle of that!

So someone had called the police and said they heard the kids in that apartment crying for over an hour and no one was answering the door. The police showed up, knocked on the door and kept yelling that they weren't leaving until they knew that the kids were ok because you can plainly hear the kids crying and screaming before the police kick the door in. The police pried the window open just enough to shine a flashlight inside and see the father passed out on the couch and he didn't wake up when they banged on the door. I later heard one of the officers on the phone telling someone that they saw him on the couch with a pill bottle on the table next to him and they didn't know if he was breathing so they kicked the door in.

The ambulance came and checked out the dad and the kids and no one was arrested but since he was the only one home shouldn't he have been arrested for child neglect or something? Nope, the police just left. These are the same parents that let their kids out by themselves and have their cousins living in the apartment directly across from them. I have no idea where the mother was. The man they brought out was the dad who had been passed out on the couch.

Police and ambulance showed up for this one.

The fire truck came as well.

This is one of the families that had kids that I was having a problem with but they moved out this week!

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Idiots like that should be reported to child services.

    The cops are smart enough to break in, but not smart enough to get the kids to a safer spot?

    1. I couldn't believe that the kids weren't taken away from them.

  2. Police often ignore things to avoid doing their jobs

  3. Dang, that's something, you just never know about some people.

  4. I feel bad for the kids in the situation. It had to be tough to watch all of that.

    1. I'm sure it was. Those parents fight and argue all the time too.

  5. Poor kids. You never have a dull moment though.

  6. Those poor kids! :(

  7. Good that the cops came even if they did nothing :(

    1. Yeah at least they woke his dumb ass up.

  8. I can't imagine the cops leaving the kids there! Insanity!!!

  9. In my job working with children I have had to make that call more than once. Protecting children is very important. But there are kids who are left in bad situations, even after people make that call. I don't understand it, I feel like we are all charged with their care, ya know?

    Smart to film and not step out the door.

    Also, I have lived in a lot of apartments. And we lived in the butthole of the universe apartments when we first moved to this area. I'm grateful that I dno't live in an apartment now.

    1. I've called the police and social services on other neighbors before and nothing ever seems to be done. It's easy to feel like it's not worth the effort.

  10. I feel so bad for the children. :(

    1. I do too. It's sad that so many kids live with parents like this.

  11. Dayam, people are crazy. It's one thing to mess up your own life but I feel bad for the kids caught up in it :(

    1. I know and in the 20 years that I've lived here I've seen things like this all too often.

  12. I'm surprised they left the kiddos in his care!!!

  13. Some people are so ridiculous. Probably frustrating to the cops, too. A lot of times their hands are tied in situations like this.

    1. Ken told the police they should set up a sub station across the street because they are here so often. lol

  14. It seems like parental misconduct has to be of an unbelievably severe and blatant degree for anyone to actually do something in an official capacity. This is just one manifestation of the terrible small-government bias we have in the U.S.; there is this notion that the government can't do anything right and that any proactive government initiative is overreach. That mentality results in some pretty stupid decisions, like children being left in clearly neglectful or abusive situations because the state feels compelled to honor parental prerogative. And then the kids who are involved grow up to act out the same terrible examples they saw when they were little. It's a really frustrating dynamic.


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