Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Review: The Dragon's Dilemma by Jessie Donovan

Book Description

In order to pay for her father's life-saving cancer treatment, Holly Anderson offers herself up as a sacrifice and sells the vial of dragon's blood. In return, she will try to bear a Scottish dragon-shifter a child. While the dragonman assigned to her is kind, Holly can't stop looking at his twin brother. It's going to take everything she has to sleep with her assigned dragonman. If she breaks the sacrifice contract and follows her heart, she'll go to jail and not be able to take care of her father.

Even though he's not ready to settle down, Fraser MacKenzie supports his twin brother's choice to take a female sacrifice to help repopulate the clan. Yet as Fraser gets to know the lass, his dragon starts demanding something he can't have - his brother's sacrifice.

Holly and Fraser fight the pull between them, but one stolen kiss will change everything. Will they risk breaking the law and betraying Fraser's twin? Or, will they find a way out of the sacrifice contract and live their own happily ever after?

My Review

I grabbed this book when one of my blogger friends posted that it was free at the time. I do love these freebies. 

Holly Anderson is in a tough place because she wants to take care of her father who has cancer but in order to do that she has to give a lot of herself. She's made a contract with a dragon shifter and has agreed to have a child with the dragon shifter. In exchange they gave her a vial of dragon blood that she sold so she could pay for experimental cancer treatments for her father. Since the dragon shifters don't have a lot of population, they have turned to human sacrifices as they call them, to repopulate their kind. 

Once these sacrifice contracts are signed, there's no backing out. She could go to jail if she tried. So when Fraser realizes that she is more than just his brother's sacrifice, he keeps quiet because he wants his brother to be happy but his dragon isn't having it. Things really get interesting after that.

I really liked seeing how Fraser and Holly get to know one another. Things heat up between these two really fast because of the mating frenzy and the fact that his dragon doesn't have a lot of patience for Fraser and Holly to get to know one another over time. No, the dragon inside of Fraser wants things to happen right now and they do but Holly is no push over and she puts his dragon in his place real fast. It was fun, sexy and romantic.

My only real problem with this book was that we didn't get enough back story about the human sacrifice or the dragon hunters. I didn't realize for the entire first half of the book that the dragon shifters had to worry about some humans hurting them. There's also the fact that there are rogue shifters that left this clan of dragon shifters and they are not nice at all. They follow the old ways and don't want humans mating with dragons so they are not happy that their ex clan has a new sacrifice and they try to stop it from working out. 

There was a lot going on in this book and while a little more back story would have been nice, it was a really great read the way it was. 

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. 


  1. Gotta love those characters stuck in the old ways.

  2. Good one with 4 outta 5!

  3. too bad for the background story but other than that it looks good

  4. Ohhh I freaking love that premise, hehe

  5. A Scottish dragon?! That sounds interesting.

  6. Hehe and impatient Dragon. I love it.

  7. I recently purchased this book. It seems I made a good buy. :)

  8. Ohhh a scottish dragon??? I think I would like this one.

  9. Nice review Mary. I'm reading a book with dragons too but its a dark fantasy. Thanks

  10. Hmmm... Dragon shifters sound good. The Scottish element makes me hesitate. Being Scottish, I have a major bug up my butt about how Scots are written in romantic fiction, lol.

    1. I can understand that. I love Scottish accents in books though. I think a lot of US women have a thing for that accent in books. lol

  11. I love dragon shifters stories and this one sounds so good! It sucks that you don't get deep enough into the world with all the background info. Hopefully that develops as the series goes on.


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