Saturday, July 14, 2018

Instagram, Kindles and Technology

For many years now I've had 1 Kindle that I read my ebooks on, it's the Kindle Keyboard on the right. You cannot download apps or easily go online with this. It's mainly for reading ebooks. You can go online with it but in order to do that you have to click on "Experimental" in the menu and it takes forever to actually load. I know because I tried going on Twitter with is a few times and it would drop the site several times. It took forever to do something like that. 

The left side is a Kindle Fire that we've had for a while. I had a kindle that I read ebooks on and I have my laptop for everything else and Ken has an Ipad that he uses. So it never occurred to me to use the Kindle Fire to get on sites like Instagram. I don't have a smart phone so the most I've done with my Instagram account is follow people. My daughter helped me download the app and now I can use Instagram. I'm RatLadyMary on there if you want to follow me too. I will figure out what to do on there but for now I've posted a few pictures of Falcor and it helped get me more points on survey sites like Smiley360. 

Now I can live Tweet on the Kindle while watching a show without having to take the laptop over to the couch. The thing about the Kindle Fire is I can only have one window open at a time when I'm used to having 12-15 windows open on my laptop all the time. I'm still getting used to it and I keep asking Ken how to do things since he's used his a lot. 

I'm still getting used to the Kindle Fire but who knows what else I'll find. It's the little things that make us happy and I'm happy I realized this. 


  1. Not sure what Fire you have, but mine can have many windows, or tabs, open at once.
    Also, I had one of those old kindles but it was forever dieing on me, and I had to poke a hair grip through to some wire thing on the top left side to re boot it. It finally died when I accidentally say on it!

    1. I mean, sat on it.!

    2. I don't even know what Fire it is but I'm just getting used to it. Maybe I'll find this can have more tabs open too.

  2. When you find little advantages they sure are grand. Can't say I've had the inclination to do instagram though.

    1. My daughter made me my instagram account and the fact that I wasn't able to use it kinda bothered me. lol

  3. Thanks for the reminder, we have a Fire around here somewhere, I'd best find it and dust it off.

    1. I hope you get great use out of it.

  4. My daughter that lives with us Ioves her Kindle Fire and uses it for everything.

    1. I like it for certain things but I like my laptop a lot more.

  5. I have a kindlefire, never had the pure ebook kindle regular

    1. It's nice if all I want to do is read an ebook.

  6. That's good that you can get online with it. I also have an iPad and that's a lot of what I use it for.
    I'm not on Instagram, but the IWSG and my publisher are on there.

    1. Ken likes his iPad. I'd rather use my laptop.

  7. I have one of the oldest Kindle Fires and it can go on line. I use it just for books and documents because it takes so long to load stuff from the internet.

    1. This one can go online too but it does take a crazy amount of time to download anything.

  8. If I had one that awesome maybe I would be happier with ebooks

    1. I still don't read as many ebooks as print books.

  9. I'm following you on Instagram now :) My son is the only one who uses our Kindle Fire and he just uses it for games. It's easy to forget all the different things you can do with them. I'm glad you have found a new use for yours.

    1. Thank you! Do you still use your Twitter account. I think I'm following you on there for a long time.

  10. Since my smartphone does everything, I keep my kindle simple. I have the Oasis eReader and haven't connected anything to it so its distraction free.

    1. One of these days I might get a smart phone.

  11. My first e-reader was a Nook... it was hard to do anything on that thing, and that includes reading! Eventually I gave up, but a few years ago we got an iPad. I love how universal it is, and reading books is SO MUCH EASIER.

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

  12. I have to admit that all I do on my kindle is read. I don't use it for anything else.

    1. That's what I do with the Kindle Keypad that I have.

  13. Although I've got a Fire tablet, I also have a kindle reader. I bought it esp. for taking it to beach as I'm usually solo. It can get internet but I tend to not use it for that

    1. Taking it to the beach is a good idea.

  14. Yay! I'm glad you found a way to get on instagram! Its handy what those Fires can do :)

    1. I am too. It really is. I'm still getting used to it.

  15. I have a bit of a Kindle addiction :) The Fire is nice for doing a lot of cell phone type things. Glad you found a plan that works for you.


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