Wednesday, February 17, 2021

All About Falcor

Falcor is turning 7 years old in May. We've had him since he was 6 months old. One of our old apartment managers had him but she and her husband abused him and kept him in a dog pen all the time. We didn't know any of this until she got fired and some of the other residents told Ken what was going on. so Ken asked her is he could take Falcor since she was moving and had said she really didn't want him. So we got him. 

He loves Spring time because he loves to sniff all the wild flowers and all the new weeds and grass that grows around here at that time.

This is something that he does all the time. He will stick his back legs out and just stand there stretching. 

He makes some of the funniest faces. 

My daughter and I realized that if you put your finger near Falcor's neck, he will snarl and growl at you. 

He won't bite anyone but he will snarl when he's playing and it's so funny. sometimes he'll start snarling and growling out of the blue and then start running around the apartment with the zoomies. He'll stop, snarl and growl and run off again until he gets tired. 

Falcor is really curious when I get a package or am taking pictures for the blog. He will photobomb me almost every time. 

I was trying to take a picture of the pillow I got and Falcor was right there to help. Plus, I think he likes his picture taken. lol 

I was trying to get a picture of this because I got this for my grandson and Falcor jumped up there to see what it was. 

I was getting a picture of these books I won a while back and there's Falcor. When I get a box or package in the mail, he sits right by me until I show him what was in the box. He's always excited when his food and treats come from Chewy because then he gets a treat. 


  1. A dog with personality. He was wasted on the manager. I don't know why people would even get an animal which is normally active if they don't let it do anything.

    1. I have no idea. They were such idiots. How they ever got the manager job, I'll never know.

  2. Awww, what a cutie-pie! ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿค๐Ÿงก๐Ÿค

  3. Falcor is a cutie. I am so glad that he found a MUCH better home with you.

  4. You were good people to take him away from that horrible situation. Funny about the growling.

  5. Falcor is a smart little guy. I always crack up at his leg stretching!

    1. That leg stretching cracks me up too.

  6. You did such a good thing, taking that dog from morons who didn't appreciate what they had. You've given Falcor a really wonderful new life Mary!

  7. What a wonderful gift you received in this little fellow. What a great companion.

  8. Ah he's so cute. So glad you got him out of that abusive situation. I bet he misses Ken too. Princess Pippa just turned 10 and it was five years ago the Feb 13th that we rescued her. Dogs make the world brighter. Thanks for sharing xo

    1. Thank you. I'm sure he does miss Ken.

  9. He is adorable! I'm so glad you took him from the mean lady!

  10. How sweet you took dear Falcor and was there when he needed you the most.

  11. What a great name for a great dog! I'm so glad he ended up with you as his family. :)

  12. Falcor found a great home and you got a great friend. Falcor is a very cool dog. :)

    1. He is. He's a goofy little guy but he's so loveable.

  13. I am so glad you saved him

  14. I'm always happy when someone is able to get them out of bad situations.

    He sounds like a little character and gives you lots to smile about. I know my animals help me so much just by being their goofball selves lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. he's definitely a little goofball character. lol

  15. What a nice outfit he's got!

  16. Oh I didn't know about this story. I'm glad you were there for him

  17. It was wonderful of you and Ken to bring him to a good home, but he is such an adorable dog that you won, too. :)

  18. Falcor is lucky to have been rescued from uncaring owners and given the TLC he deserves. I love the way he tries to get in every photo!

    1. He's so funny. He's so curious about everything.

  19. I'm glad the poor thing found a loving family when he was still very young. He's very curious, isn't he? LOL. But lots of dogs seem to intrude on their owners' attempt at taking pictures ๐Ÿ˜‚. Who knows why he doesn't like it when you go near his neck LOL.

    1. I'm glad we got him too. He's really curious it's really funny. I think he's just playing when we get near his neck. He loves to play.

  20. He is awesome. Adorable pictures... He reminds me a lot of my dog growing up except she was a girl and she had white fur just like that.

    1. He's a little goofball. I'm glad I have him now.

  21. Falcor is just the cutest little thing! I love him! I am so happy you were able to get him out of that horrible situation. I'm sure he knows what you did for him and really appreciates the kindness and love your family has given him all these years.

    1. I'm glad too. He's such a loveable little guy.

  22. I'm so glad he came to live with you in a Loving Home that respects him as a sentient being and he escaped those abusive owners. It angers me when people have pets and treat them like chattel rather than as living things.

    1. I'm glad he came to live with us too.


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