Sunday, July 24, 2022

Apartment Life #314

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 24 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 24 years here in a weekly blog post.

So last week I told you that drug dealer is still in jail and his wife is in the hospital with an infected leg and she's septic. That is all still the same. Except she is getting better and she isn't going to lose her leg. The antibiotics are working.

Last Sunday evening my neighbor called the police because the one guy who's supposed to be in drug dealer's apartment was letting in a bunch of the drug addicts when he said he wouldn't. Drug dealer actually called my neighbor and asked what was going on, when she told him, he asked her to look after his apartment and make sure the drug addicts didn't steal anything. So my neighbor called the police and told them that the two people who live there are in jail and in the hospital and druggie squatters have taken over the apartment. 

Oh and drug dealer asked about his dog so my neighbor had to tell him the drug addicts took the 3 dogs (his plus the two that they took in because the owners were homeless) to someone else's house but they wouldn't tell her who or where so she has no idea where his dog is. He's not happy and is trying to get out of jail early but he has about a month to go before he can get out. His dog is a Bichon FrisΓ© and they can be a little on the expensive side. So if the druggies try to sell the dog they might be able to get quite a lot to use for drugs. That's what my neighbor is afraid of. 

It took more than 2 hours for the police to finally show up but when they did, they did nothing. I went outside and the police told my neighbor that they didn't have probable cause to knock on the door and ask people for ID. There was nothing they could do unless the people in there did something to give them probable cause to question them and ask for ID. So if they start fighting, causing a lot of noise, causing destruction to the apartment that we can hear or see and we call the police...then they can do something. But even then I wonder if they will make them leave? 

And before someone says call the manager. They don't care. They tell us if we have a problem to call the police because that's not their job. They won't do anything about it. 

My neighbor called the police two more times after that this week because of all the drug addicts going in and out. One police officer told her if she see's them all leave during the day, that she could open the door, lock it and shut the door. So she did that while the cop was standing there. She doesn't think they have a key to the door since they keep leaving the door unlocked when they leave, she knows because she's opened the door when they have left. But later that night they were back in the apartment, so they must have left a window unlocked or they broke in the door. 


On Friday a friend of drug dealer's wife came with the apartment keys from drug dealer's wife. She asked this woman to make the druggies leave and secure her apartment. Me and my neighbor heard her banging on the door yelling at the druggies inside to open the door. She couldn't get in with the keys because the druggies changed one of the locks on the door and she didn't have a key. They finally opened the door and she made them leave. She went inside and it was a mess. There were crack pipes all over the place and the bedroom was all torn apart, everything had been gone through. She didn't know what to do so I told her to call the police and have them come take pictures and write a report. So the friend called the police, told them she was an agent of the apartment owner, had the apartment keys, kicked the squatters out and found drug paraphernalia and wanted the police to come take pictures and write a report. They said they would. 

The druggies kept coming back trying to get in the apartment while she was standing there so she asked me and my neighbor if we would stay there with her and keep the druggies out until the police got there so we did. I told the friend, "We're both big girls, (5'6" and over 300lbs each) these, malnourished squatters aren't getting past us." She laughed and said they doubted they would try as long as we were standing there. 

The funny thing is one of the drug addicts came and stood out in the middle of the courtyard about 5 feet from us and just stared at us. So I told her to lock the lock she did have a key for so the meth-heads couldn't get in until the police came. I said it loud enough for him to hear and he left after she locked the door. More druggies kept walking over to us asking what we were doing and she told them that we were waiting for the police. Boy, they were not happy but I had my tazer on me just in case. 

The police came, were able to go inside the apartment finally because it was open and she had the keys from the person that rented it. They were there for hours documenting everything. Taking pictures and writing a report that they said the apartment manager and/or the people on the lease could come get if they wanted to file theft charges if anything is missing when they come home. So there's that at least. 

It's not a great picture but there are two police cars there parked on the street that showed up. There were 4 police officers that were going through everything in the apartment and they found a bunch of drug paraphernalia. 

The police locked up the apartment but the back bedroom window was broken and they left it open. 

There's a crack in the left side of the window too where the druggies broke it. The police said that the neighbors have done all they could and that we shouldn't try to stop the druggies from going in or confront them because they can be dangerous, which is true. They said to try and contact the manager so we are all going to do that and see if anything happens. I doubt it will though.

The high this week was 114F/45C
The low this week was 86F/30C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Oh goodness. I'm picturing you and that other woman now, taser in hand, defending the fort πŸ˜‚. I mean, it's funny, except not really, because as the police said, it might be dangerous. But really, if those people let the druggies in their apartment to begin with, it's on them. I hope the dogs won'y get harmed at least...

    1. Hey, I thought it was kinda funny too.

  2. I believe it's the owner of the appartments who is to supervise his property and take the necessary measures to ensure the normality of life of his tenants.

    1. The owner can't really do anything. The only thing they could do is kick them out and they won't do that because they're getting their rent money.

  3. Arrgh. What a week. You did what you could, but I do wonder whether it will keep them out for long. I do hope the dogs are ok.

    1. Oh I have no doubt it won't keep them out for long.

  4. Hi, Mary!

    I'm back from my hiatus and back in the blogging game, dear friend. FYI, I stopped by Dark Thoughts last night and listened to your song of the week.

    Seems like I missed the excitement during my break last week, as I am learning this morning that your friendly neighborhood drug dealer was finally arrested. I was beginning to think he was untouchable. Great news that the "good " drugs are kicking-in and saving his wife's infected leg. Strange goings on in drug dealer's house while he's in the clink. I feel for the guy. He's trying to run a respectable drug dealing business and some of his customers are squatting in his humble abode. Apparently, they have also stolen his dog in hopes of selling it. I love dogs and hope all three missing canines are recovered and found to be in good condition. It doesn't surprise me that the police informed your neighbor that they cannot lawfully enter the unit and arrest people for trespassing, or that the apartment manager is hiding his head in the sand . It amazes me that you and your taser were enlisted to help defend drug dealer's pad against the invading horde. You wrote: "The druggies kept coming back trying to get in the apartment..." Suddenly I am making mental pictures of Geo. A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead. "They're coming to get you, Mary!" :) I'm happy to know that the police finally arrived to take pics, gather facts and write a report. It's sad that the apartment manager refuses to get involved and help decent residents of the community like you.

    114 degrees is horrible, but Mrs. Shady and I encountered triple digit heat on our trip to the mid-Atlantic region this past week. It's everywhere! Have a safe and happy week, dear friend Mary!

    1. I'm glad you're back I hope you had a good time. You should be getting out of jail pretty soon though so all of this will be for nothing. I have no idea where the dogs are at this point. Like I said before there's not much that the manager can do except kick them out and she's not likely to do that.

  5. Good grief! I’m glad you had your taser with you. The fact that the police wouldn’t do anything until there was ‘probable cause’ just pisses me off. This is why there are so many mass shootings. Plenty of warning signs, but nobody claims they can do anything until the wacko does something.

    1. I was actually surprised at the police couldn't do anything until they had probable cause or until somebody had keys and let them in.

  6. Glad drug dealer isn't losing her leg. Yes antibodies help a lot! My mother lost both her legs to diabetes. Hope the weather cools off.

    1. So sorry to hear that I've got diabetes too. It's not going to cool down here until October.

  7. What a frustrating situation! And I hope that guy's dog is okay.

    1. I have no idea where the dog is at this point hopefully it's okay.

  8. WOW! Those are some very determined crackheads. I can't believe the audacity of changing the locks, and probably sold the dogs for drug money. You and your neighbor did all you could do. The police did as little as they could. So, it's seeming like a no-win situation. Drug Dealer has no one but himself to blame for his place being trashed, dogs gone because he brought those people into his home in the first place. BTW, drug dealer is in jail, wife in hospital, who is paying the rent?

    1. I couldn't believe it when the friend said that they changed the locks. That really took some balls to do that.

  9. Glad t hear she's not going to lose her leg. Hopefully she doesn't come back to wreak more havoc in the complex... although she probably will! I hope there's a happy ending re: the dogs as well. I don't really sympathize much with drug dealers but I feel for the guy not knowing here his dog is...

    Wow, that's wild. Police have a tough job but man sometimes I wish they could do MORE. It's like when you need em they're not there but if your headlight is out they'll nab ya lol. Ah well... glad you're safe, and STAY safe.

    1. I hope the dogs are just at someone's house who is taking care of them. I know he's going to be so mad when he gets home.

      I wish they could do more when they need to too. I will try and stay safe.

  10. Goodness me, what a week!
    Stay safe and stay as cool as you can, your temperatures are hot!

    All the best Jan

    1. Yeah it's pretty hot here right now.

  11. So much drama, glad the lady will not lose her leg.

  12. Thank goodness she's not going to lose her leg. I was really afraid she had waited too long.

  13. That's quite a mess going on there. I do feel sorry for the dog, it's probably dead or gone by now.

    1. All I can say is they better hope that they didn't get rid of that dog because when he gets out of jail he's going to be Mighty pissed off.

  14. What a week, it reads like a bad soap opera. :) All the drama and the temps are getting hotter. Stay safe and cool. I hope Falcor is doing ok.

    1. Seriously some TV show executive needs to start reading this and make show out of it.

  15. It is so frustrating to not really be able to do anything to stop this behavior.

  16. Wow, that all sounds terrifying. I worry about you standing guard at the door, I know I wouldn't feel safe.

    1. There were two other people there at the time or I wouldn't have done it.

  17. I am really surprised that the drug dealer's wife is going to make it! All of this is so frustrating. I don't know how these squatter druggies just get to do whatever the hell they want and the police can't do anything.

    114?!! Oh, that's hot! Stay cool and safe, Mary!

    1. I really didn't think she was going to make it either. It's just insane to me what they are getting away with.

  18. My guess the one in hospital will come home and start up her drug habit.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  19. It's crazy that the police won't do anything unless there's probable cause or reasonable suspicion or a crime is occurring or whatever.

  20. My comment seems to have disappeared. I hate Blogger s much right now. Anyway :) I'm glad the woman's not losing her leg. Trying to remember what else I wrote- oh yeah the police lol. Too bad they can't do more. It's funny how sometimes they go overboard and then other times when you really need em to do something they can't or won't.

    Be safe.

    1. I found it in the spam folder. I check every morning to if it's there I will eventually find it. I'm glad she isn't losing her leg either.

    2. I have to do that too- so many of my comments have been going to spam too. I feel bad for people who leave a comment only to have it disappear. Anyway... hope you're well :)

    3. I think most of us know to look in the spam folder now a days if you use Blogger. Looks like that's just how it is now. I am doing good, thank you.

  21. Oh my... is it bad that my biggest concern right now is for the dogs? I hate to think how they could be abused and sold for cash. This breaks my heart. I'm glad the wife is recovering. Hopefully once she's back and he gets out of jail, they will keep their drugging ways just among themselves and less people show up.

    1. I hope the dogs are alright too. I am hoping the dogs are alright as well. Hopefully they won't be letting all the druggies around after seeing what they did to their apartment.

  22. Good Lord... I don't even know anymore. What a crazy week!

    1. Yeah, the craziness doesn't take a break around here.

  23. Sorry to say, but you're right... they've probably sold the dog. I have no sympathy for the drug dealer, but I feel sorry for the dog losing the people that it knows. 😐

    1. I do too. Is it crazy that I want the drug dealer to get out of jail and come back and fix this?

    2. No, it's not crazy. The dog is probably heartbroken. 😐

  24. I am glad you had that taser, I'd be scared

    1. No one tried anything so that's good.

  25. That's scary that you have to arm yourself with a taser, but I'm glad nobody tried anything! I'd be worried about the dog being used as a bait dog. Hope it's ok!


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