Sunday, July 31, 2022

Apartment Life #315

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 24 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 24 years here in a weekly blog post.

Last week this camper/RV pulled up across the street and the guy living in it has just been staying there. I saw the police pull up behind him and he came outside and was talking to them. Boy, he was not happy about it though. He was waving his arms around, yelling at the police and showing some papers to them. 

A few minutes later a second police car pulled up along side the first one and they stayed out there talking for a while The police did leave and it's been a few days and the guy with his camper/RV is still parked there. 


Drug dealer is still in jail, his wife is still in the hospital and will be going to rehab to help her walk on her leg again. The drug addicts have taken over the apartment again and us residents have given up trying to do anything about it. 

The high this week was 102F/38C
The low this week was 88F/31C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Sigh at the drug addicts. I wonder how much of the home will be left when the drug dealer or his wife come home.

  2. Hi, Mary!

    A high for the week of only 102 degrees should feel like blessed relief to people living out on the mean streets of Las Vegas, but a low of 88 doesn't offer much overnight relief for sleeping. Seems like you had an uneventful week, but that isn't great because it means little or no progress was made on any of the fronts you mentioned. I wonder what the deal is with that guy in the camper. Surely there are rest stops where he'd be more welcome and comfortable. I'm sorry that you have a bunch of drug addicts as neighbors. If they can keep their unlawful activities on the DL then it shouldn't affect you and other residents very much. Let's hope it plays out that way.

    Please give my good buddy Falcor a pat and a treat and have a good week ahead, dear friend Mary!

    1. I have no idea about the guy in the camper but the police really don't seem to want him parked there.

  3. If the police does nothing about those violating the law, the residents should not try to do things on their own, as it could be dangerous.

    1. Sometimes when the police can't or won't help, it's the regular citizens that need to step up to try and make things better.

  4. Wow, camper stories, gotta love them. I recently took a rideshare client from a secluded spot that I wouldn't normally associate with RVs.

    1. They tend to park wherever they want.

  5. I’d love to know the RV story. Like why he’s allowed to park there and what papers he showed the cops.

  6. 88 degrees is not a low!

    1. No, it's not. But next month I bet the overnight low will be around 100.

  7. SO much happens at your place. It's kind of crazy. Stay safe.

    1. I know. There's almost always something to report that happened that week.

  8. I guess there's nothing to be done about all those druggies. Too bad things like that can just be allowed to go on.

    1. Druggies have been around here for years.

  9. Can't wait to see what happens when Drug Dealer gets out of jail, returns to his trashed apartment. Hopefully the wife is getting off drugs while in rehab and will think twice about coming back into that situation once healed.

    1. Oh I know he's going to be mad. I hope she gets clean and stays that way.

  10. Glad the camper got to stay for awhile anyway.

    1. I mean he isn't bothering anyone so i see no problem with him being here.

  11. I hate that the drug addicts keep coming back. Not fun.

    1. I don't see them going away anytime soon.

  12. The drug dealer is probably not going to be happy when he gets back.

  13. Aw man the druggies are back? argh. The dogs are probably long gone but I hope somehow they are okay.

    1. I hope they are alright too. I think we will find out soon.

  14. My son had a house down from him where the drug dealers sold their drugs. The police wouldn't do anything about that house either.

  15. All that stuff going on has to be very frustrating for all of you who just want some peace and quiet.

  16. It sad about the drug addicts. It seem like they go down the rabbit hole.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  17. What papers would he have that would allow him to stay parked there? Intriguing. ๐Ÿค” You need to solve this mystery.๐Ÿ˜ฏ

    Do you think all this hardship will make drug dealer and his wife turn over a new leaf? Seems like she's been in the hospital long enough to have gone through withdrawal already. ๐Ÿ˜

    1. Maybe he had to show that he owned it and had insurance? Not sure.

      I hope she stays of the drugs when she comes back.

  18. "The drug addicts have taken over the apartment again and us residents have given up trying to do anything about it."
    It's a shame that the police has given up, not the residents. You did the best that you could.

    Maybe the camper owner lost his home. I hope he'll be no trouble...

  19. Looks like my comment went away. It's happening on my blog too Anyway hope you're have a good week!

    1. I look in my spam folder each morning for comments. lol

  20. Drug addicts will always come back, sadly.

  21. Even your low temperatures are HOT !

    All the best Jan

  22. So curious about the RV guy! You have to wonder how he's getting away with staying! Yikes about the addicts :(

    Have a great week!

    1. The police are still bothering him too.

  23. Not the most scenic location to park your campervan, but no doubt they have their reasons.

  24. Awesome place to camp at ๐Ÿคจ


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