Sunday, August 07, 2022

Apartment Life #316

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 24 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 24 years here in a weekly blog post.

I saw the police outside when I was walking Falcor. They were on the other side of the fence right in front of the police car where some of the drug addicts were sitting. I figured they would be arrested since that's where they have been sitting smoking their drugs but the police just made them get up and leave. 
It's not really clear but there's a police car in front of the RV and one in back of the RV. They were out there for about 30 minutes talking to the guy in the RV again. I actually talked to him this week when I walked past his RV while walking Falcor one night. I asked him why the police kept hassling him and he said they didn't want him parked there and they keep wanting to see his registration, insurance and ID. He said he's showed it to 6 different police officers so far but he doesn't think they talk to each other so he has to keep telling them and showing them the same info every time they come by. The day after I took this picture, the man in the RV had moved on. 

So I looked up my state's law about parking an RV on a residential street. Here's what the law says. 

"Can I park my RV on the street in Las Vegas?
Can you park an RV on the street in Las Vegas? According to Las Vegas code enforcement, living or camping in an RV outside of an RV park is not allowed. Clark County civil codes state that an RV may be parked on the street for up to 72 hours, presumably only if it's unoccupied."

So that's why they kept hassling him. 


This is the busted window in drug dealer's bedroom. It got even more busted the night we had all the rain and they nailed a board to it, probably trying to keep the rain water from getting inside the window. I seriously doubt that worked because the wind was crazy and even my closed bedroom window was leaking. The next day this window had been fixed and a new window was put in.


Tuesday night I was outside with Falcor at 9pm in my courtyard and the lady across from me opened her door and all she was wearing was a bra and underwear. So instead of shutting her door or putting some clothes on, she shuts the light off and stands in her doorway staring at me.  I could see her because her undies were white. Lol wtf

And my next door neighbor told me that the new move in right next to this woman let her kids come outside and pee on the tree in the courtyard. They started out seeming normal too. Dang. 


Drug Dealer's wife is back. That's her in the middle with the walker. I bet you didn't imagine a little, old, frail looking lady, eh? Nothing has changed, the druggies are still coming and going from her apartment. But some good news, the dogs are back and they look fine.


On Thursday I noticed Parking Enforcement taking pictures of a few cars, the license plates and putting the license plate numbers into his hand held device. He put notices on some of the cars and my neighbor told me that they were $75 tickets for not being registered.  

He was taking a picture of a license plate here. This truck actually had two tickets on it. 

Then I got a picture of him leaving.


On Wednesday my neighbor (Married guys wife) knocked on my door and said,  someone told me you suffer from depression. 😲
Me: Yeah,  I do. *I actually thought she was going to ask for an antidepressant*
Her: I did too, until I found jesus, now I'm not depressed anymore. 
Me: In my head I'm thinking,  Oh no. πŸ™€
Me: Oh,  I'm not religious. 
Her: Just try it. Go on YouTube and watch some Sunday church services. It will help.   
Me: I appreciate that but I'm Agnostic. And I'm doing alright. 
Her: Well ok, if you change your mind you can come talk to me. 
I know she's been hanging out with the only neighbor who knows I suffer from depression. Someone has been talking about me. πŸ™€
Maybe instead of preaching to me about jesus, she and her husband should lay off the cocaine and clean out their apartment. They are both hoarders and can barely open up their door to get in and out.  Maybe you need to ask jesus for a little more help. πŸ†˜

I can still barely believe that this woman who I've only ever said Hi too, had the balls to knock on my door and tell me I need jesus. 


And to close things out for this week I thought I would share a video my daughter took at the bus stop on her way to work. This is the same woman from my neighborhood who screams walking up and down the sidewalk. While she probably suffers from mental illness she also takes drugs so I'm sure that isn't helping. 

The high this week was 103F/39C
The low this week was 81F/27C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Well, it's not boring at your place? Ughhhh. I'm so sorry that you have all that ALL the time, it must be so stressful!!

    1. As long as I'm not involved and just watching it, it doesn't stress me out.

  2. Echoing the previous comment. And as far as I am aware Christians (of various flavours) are the only religion that tried to convert people.

    1. Muslims can be very aggressive trying to convert people, and historically it was even more so. They mostly tend to do it just in countries where Islam is already dominant, though.

    2. I don't think that's true at all. If you try to marry someone outside your religion, they try to convert you a lot of times.

  3. I can see why there are rules about parking RVs for too long -- they do take up space. But there sure aren't many options for escaping the insane cost of housing these days.

    If the Jesus pusher comes back, maybe you could try to get her to go talk to the drug dealers? They might keep each other busy for a while.

    1. LOL That's actually a good idea. And housing costs really are out of control.

  4. Hi, Mary!

    Never a dull moment, dear friend! Whenever I see that RV parked on your block, I think it might be occupied by Walter White and Jesse Pinkman. :) It's funny that they kept giving that guy a pass to park there, and yet the Parking Enforcement officer went around handing tickets out like confetti to car owners in the neighborhood. It's also strange that you can continue to run a drug dealing operation from an apartment on your block, and your guests can smoke drugs outside the residence without the cops doing anything about it. It's also interesting that they promptly replaced a broken window in the drug dealer's bedroom while other residents need to wait and wait for the maintenance guy to respond to their calls for assistance. Throw in a semi-nudist neighbor woman, little boys (apparently raised by wolves) who pee on trees in the courtyard, a neighbor who wants to save you (whether you want to be saved or not), and a woman with mental issues who shouts profanities for all to hear, and you've got a Wacky Week that Was in your neighborhood.

    Have a good week and stay safe, dear friend Mary!

    1. I thought about Breaking Bad too!
      They have a third party contractor come out to fix the windows so that's probably why they get fixed so fast and maintenance takes forever to do anything,

  5. As always, a mixed bag of weirdos. I don't think normal is going to happen soon.
    Guy with the RV needs to contact Leisbet - she and her husband (and camper friends) know all the free places to stay across America.

    1. No, normal is not something I expect to see around here.

  6. Hopefully, your daughter finds a better place for her and son, and takes you with her.

    1. Unless we move to a rich neighborhood, this kind of stuff happens all over.

  7. "And my next door neighbor told me that the new move in right next to this woman let her kids come outside and pee on the tree in the courtyard. They started out seeming normal too. Dang."
    Just what you needed to spice up things πŸ€―πŸ˜‚.

    The religion exchange was just surreal. I think if someone had come up to me to say "hey, someone told me you suffer from depression" I would have shouted a few selected bad words and slammed the door in their face. You're a nice woman. I hope they'll stop trying to convert you...and start cleaning their place instead LOL.

    1. I will be nice the first time something is said to me but if she keeps pushing jesus on me, then I will not be so nice.

  8. I love how your neighbors dress when they come to the door. I'd like to do that sometime but have to much fear.

    1. She was wearing shorts and a tank top when she came to my door. She's really skinny and frail looking probably from all the cocaine she does.

  9. I'm quite happy with people who embrace religion because it helps them cope with life. What I object to is their trying to convert other people who aren't interested.

    1. If it helps her that's fine, I just hope she doesn't bring it up to me again.

  10. Wow, you've had an interesting week. Getting "help" from people who seem like they need it more! Maybe they were trying to be nice? Who knows. Stay safe and cool, Mary!

    1. She was probably trying to be nice in her own way. That's why I nicely said no.

  11. Well that makes sense about the RV guy then, but too bad they can't get rid of the drug dealers as easily lol!

    Peeing on a tree? What's wrong with that haha?

    That's good news about the dogs though, at least!

    1. Yeah it makes sense.
      Well the kids were totally exposed to 16 different apartments by peeing on the tree in the courtyard. Not really a safe thing to do if there are pedophiles around.

      I'm happy the dogs are ok.

    2. Oh definitely! I was just trying to be funny. :) I really can't imagine just letting your kids do that...

    3. I know. It still makes me wonder about the mom though.

  12. Poor RV guy is going to have to stay on the move, park/live on different streets day by day. Do you think bra and underwear neighbor was trying to tempt you, lure you into her clutches? Maybe the kids are doing No. 1 outside because the plumbing isn’t working … and where does the mom send them for No. 2? And No, I did not expect drug dealer's wife to be a frail old lady. Now I have to see what drug dealer himself looks like.

    1. I'm sure RV guy will be moving around. I think bra and underwear lady was just high.

      I never saw maintenance over at her apartment to fix the plumbing and they haven't been outside peeing on the tree since so I don't.

      When drug dealer gets out of jail, I'll try to get a picture of him. lol

  13. That's some week! I don't think I'd want to see any of my neighbors in their underwear. ;D

  14. Never a dull moment there.

  15. Yeah, someone who doesn’t register their vehicle is going to pay a ticket….LOL!

    The Jesus thing was a bit odd, but I guess she was just trying to help. However, as a Christian, it bothers me that ‘religious’ people in 2022 still pretend that mental illnesses and disabilities can be cured by just believing in Jesus.

    1. She has a lot more problems than just depression. If she stopped the cocaine, she might be better.

  16. That was sure quite the crazy week. Funny, they want to enforce vehicle laws but let the druggies keep on druggin'.

    1. Drug dealer is in jail. The police just didn't arrest enough people.

  17. I find your area a bit sad. But I have to confess I also find it funny.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  18. I don't think we can live in an RV on a city street where I live either. Have a great week.

  19. Never a dull moment, Mary!
    I don't think I want to see any of my neighbors in their underwear!

  20. What I find interesting is that even though you live in a poor block, all of it is paved, while here in my country and my city we still have quite a high percentage of streets that have no asphalt nor pavements, some even water and severage. It pisses me off to no extent because it makes everything so dirty and muddy.

    1. Oh wow. Unless you get out into parts of the country or city that haven't been built on yet, most everything is paved.

  21. Your neighbors certainly keep it exciting. I can understand why there are different rules in different places for RVs.

    I was not picturing that older lady with the walker when I was reading the stories! I hope the lady who came to your door is respectful and leaves you alone now. :)

    1. I don't think anyone would have expected that woman to be drug dealer's wife. She hasn't been back to my door since then so hopefully.

  22. There is so much here to digest. I think that I would be really unhappy if someone came over to tell me how to cure depression.

    1. I was nice the first time. If it happens again, I won't be so happy or nice.

    2. I was nice the first time, if it happens again I won't be happy or so nice.

  23. No, you're right, I did not expect a frail little old lady! I assume because of the drug use she looks older than she is? πŸ€” I am happy the dogs are back, though. 🐢🐢

    Oh dear, Jesus freaks. πŸ˜›

    Stay safe. πŸ™Œ

    1. I don't think anyone was expecting that. Probably due to the drugs.

  24. Sounds like it was an extra busy week. I was on vacation and am finally getting to visit blogs. I'm glad the dogs are okay! And I hope that the apartment clears out. We have similar rules about RVs in my town, so it's not surprising. I live near the beach and there a lot of van-homes surfers live in and they will try to sleep in the parking areas.

    1. Oh the druggies are back. It's business as usual.


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