Sunday, May 14, 2023

Apartment Life #366

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 25 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post. 

On Tuesday my daughter was on her way to work and she saw some woman passed out by the bus stop she waits for the bus at. She checked on her to make sure she wasn't dead and she wasn't. Just did too many drugs. This is quite normal to see in my neighborhood.

The police showed up this week one night and went to my elderly neighbors door. I thought maybe she called police on drug dealer because I spoke too soon and he's not gone yet!!! He told me that he doesn't have to be out until the end of the month. They have all their stuff moved out and his wife is at their new apartment but he's sticking around to deal drugs and have all the druggies over to his empty apartment until they change the locks. 

Anyway, I found out the next morning from my elderly neighbor that her daughter came over to her apartment after a fight with her husband so she went to her moms apartment and called the police on him. No one was arrested. She was mad at her daughter for doing that though. She said she should have called from her own apartment, she only lives 2 buildings away and they (The daughter and her husband) fight all the time. She said her daughter has been in jail 5 times for fights she's had with her husband. I don't know how many times the husband has been in jail but it's been a few.

So in an effort to prettify the front of my apartment complex , the three maintenance guys spent the entire day digging holes, pouring concrete, so that they can install these flags. There's also new leasing posters up on the office wall trying to get new tenants in here since we have so many vacant apartments.

It would only take a prospective tenant about 10 minutes of walking the grounds to see the graffiti, at least one of the trash cans full of bullet holes, drug addicts sitting all over the property, some days there are spent needles on the sidewalk, not to mention the gunshots that we hear at least once a week in the neighborhood.

But sure, put up a few flags and a new leasing poster and hope that we get a few new tenants that will Overlook all of the other stuff. If anybody is interested in living here, I can definitely put in a good word for you. 😜

Speaking of spent, dirty needles, of course I found one near drug dealers apartment this week. I will be so glad when he's finally gone at the end of the month.

So I watched a drug deal go down right in front of my bedroom window. This guy in the white truck pulled up waited for a few seconds, and a guy that we know as long-haired guy, come running over to his truck. The guy in the truck gave him something, probably money, and then I watched long hair guy run back to drug dealers apartment was only in there for not even 20 seconds, and then ran back out to the guy in the white truck. Long haired guy gave the guy in the truck something, he checked it, gave long haired guy something, probably drugs, long haired guy checked it and then they parted ways. The entire drug deal took less than two minutes. So drug dealer is still at it, probably will be doing this until the end of the month. 

I had a video of it but for some reason blogger won't post it so I just removed it. 

The high this week was 95F/35C
The low this week was 57F/13C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. it's stunning how stupid property management companies are... I have dealt with them, too. I effing hated living in an apartment mostly because of the crappy management. But hey, those flags oughta just fill your complex up right away, huh??? Stay safe!!

    1. Not one person showed up for the open house they had after they put up the flags. Lol

  2. Hi, Mary!

    In the interest of transparency and full disclosure, each of those red flags out front should have an artwork logo depicting a spent hypo needle, a mean aggressive dog, an angry shouting neighbor, a gun discharging, a druggie crouched behind a bush and an unconscious body on the sidewalk. Rising above it all are "The Golden Arches" - the prosperous drive-thru operated by the drug dealer. He should hire pretty girls on roller skates to run the merch out to double-parked vehicles. It would be a nice touch. I hope drug dealer and his minions move to a neighborhood far away from yours. I hear Reno is nice this time of year.

    Have a safe and happy week, dear friend Mary!

    1. I really hope they move far away too.

  3. The sooner the drug dealer is out the better. Hopefully he and his wife will be replaced with better tenants.

  4. It really is a picture of the country itself having so many addicts and the country not doing anything to stop drugs, or reasons for taking them.

    1. The government has tried to get rid of drugs but people just make them in their homes, they get smuggled in from Mexico or sold after getting prescribed the. Hard to get rid of them.

    2. Yes, but why are they taking drugs, for sure not because they are happy and lead satisfied lives, the government is there to secure social happiness which we sure do not have.

    3. Maybe our government should be there to secure our happiness but they don't. Not at all. They only care about making the rich happy because those are the people they relate to and care about. We have to make ourselves happy.

  5. A drug deal right outside your bedroom window is pretty cheeky. And putting up flags seems quite pointless given the obviously run-down neighbourhood!

  6. That husband and wife need to get a divorce.
    Is Nevada like California and Oregon, giving out free drugs to the addicts? That is so enabling. No wonder half the country's homeless live in California.

    1. No, but they do get smuggled in from all over. Countless homes have been raided when they were cooking the stuff up right in their garage. That's the reason you have to show ID to get sudafed and other cold medicines. They were using that to make meth.

  7. Dealing with cosmetics (putting up flags) won't attract new tenants. Good management will.

  8. I can't count on my hand how many people I've checked their vitals on the street. There is a slight misconception in my mind that all of the drug addicts live in California and other warm climates but I simply tell people that if You have a mental health condition, wouldn't you want to live in a warm climate, than the freezing cold?

  9. The video is ‘unavailable’ but I guess if the landlord doesn’t change the locks, what can you expect? I’d freak out seeing someone just laying there on the ground. Def looks dead, but I wouldn’t get close enough to check!

    1. Hopefully they will be gone soon enough. The last two times that I called 911 on somebody that was passed out then 911 operator asked me if I had checked to see if they were breathing or had a pulse. So we just check now. Because they won't do anything if they're breathing and they wake up and they won't go.

  10. Lots going on this week

  11. Do you have bars on your windows?

    1. We're not allowed to have bars on our windows but I do have window locks.

  12. Wow seeing someone passed out like that would be something.

    Sticking around to keep dealing sigh. I'm sure you'll be so glad when that guy is gone.

    1. I've seen so many people passed out on the sidewalks. I will be so glad once they are gone.

  13. Maybe management is banking on things getting better after Drug Dealer leaves. Ha ha. πŸ˜›

    Happy Mother's Day! I hope you have a great day. 🌼🌼🌼

    1. Thank you. Happy Mother's Day to you as well.

      I don't know what they're thinking.

  14. Omg! Get rid of the drug dealer! At least there's an end to him soon. Why not spend the money on improving the apartments rather than installing flags? How ridiculous!

  15. I'm afraid flags won't cut it. The area needs real help to clean up the situation but I guess people will keep on doing the same stuff until change comes along which might be never.

  16. Too bad they didn't use some of that concrete, used to put up flags, to fix the hole in the building caused by the water leak.

  17. I think the drug dude has a successful open house lots LOL! Happy Mother’s Day from all of us!

    1. Yeah, they should have hired him to run the open house. lol

  18. Those flags will definitely make everything all better! ;D

  19. The red on the flags probably means "warning" LOL. Definitely wouldn't want to rent an apartment there after hearing some of your horror stories.

  20. Have you ever thought of moving?

    1. I would love to move but apartments here are really expensive for a neighborhood that won't just be the same as here. They require you to make 3 times the cost of rent per month in order to rent. Which for a 2 bdrm would be around $1500 a month X 3 would be #4500 a month. Even with my daughter living with me and working we don't make that much each month. So for now we can't move.

  21. Well, I'm glad you and yours are doing okay, despite the chaos around you. Looks like it's getting hot again; is the a/c unit all set with the proper foam and stuff?

    1. Oh yeah, the maintenance came out last month and inspected all the AC units to make sure they were working.

  22. You would think that they would realize that they need to do a bit more than put up some flags.

  23. I guess the sidewalk is as good a place as any to lay down when you are sleeping off a high. I am glad she was still breathing. That would have been my fear too.

    Domestic disputes are so common in my line of work. I hear about several just about every day. The worst one are when kids get involved.

    My daughter came home from school yesterday and told me about a girl in her grade getting suspended for the rest of the school year because she was found vaping on campus and had set three little fires. I wish I could say that's a story I haven't heard (via work) before either, but it happens too often in the county.

    Take care, Mary! I hope you have a good weekend!

    1. I see people sleeping off their highs on the sidewalk around here all the time. At least some of us check to make sure it isn't something more serious. That's terrible. I feel for the kid.


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