Sunday, July 09, 2023

Apartment Life #274

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

The police have been patrolling my street, the alley across the street and my alley this week. I've been seeing a lot of police cars on my street when I go outside. 

Now I know why the police are patrolling so much around here now though. My daughter and her boyfriend were in his car around 11 pm last Sunday and the cops pulled in behind them to check out what they were doing. After they figured out they were just sitting there talking and why they were not on her street because my daughter told the police she's seen too much gang activity like gang members tagging the walls, alley of the cops got very serious and asked her what she saw. She explained she saw 4 hispanic teens tagging the wall in our alley and the police gave her his card with his personal cell phone number on the back and told her to call him directly if she sees them tagging anywhere around here again or sees them doing anything sketchy. 

He told her to be careful because he thinks it was the same hispanic teens that beat up a little 12 year old boy just down the street in what he thinks was a gang initiation and also stabbed a man just down the street from where we live. And this cop really wants to catch them. We finally get rid of drug dealer and now we have this kind of thing going on in the neighborhood? C'mon! Good Grief.


On the 4th of July there were a lot of illegal fireworks popping off in my neighborhood. I figured there was going to be at least one fire somewhere around here so I kept looking out the window and sure enough, the dumpster in the alley across the street caught fire. This is the dumpster on fire.

When I saw the smoke and fire truck, I told my daughter and she went right over there to see what was on fire and took a few pictures for me. This is the front of the fire truck that showed up.

This is the middle of the fire truck. it's a little blurry because of the smoke and the bright lights from the truck. They put the fire out pretty fast.

The high this week was 114F/45C
The low this week was 78F/25C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. At least it sounds like that cop is really determined to catch them. Hopefully he will. These guys sound really vicious.

    It's lucky the fireworks idiots didn't set fire to something more important than a dumpster.

    1. He sure made it seem like he really wanted to catch them.

  2. Daughter should be careful about informing police on gang activity. The evil youngsters might get a tip about her 'involvement'.

    1. I understand that but if we can catch them keep them off the streets so that they don't beat up another 12 year old boy it might be worth the risk.

  3. Sigh. I hoped that when the drug dealers moved out you would get some respite.
    We haven't reached 25C this week. We haven't reached 20 either.

    1. That was really hoping the same thing.

  4. You and your daughter be extra careful now!

  5. Well, I’m glad the cops took your daughter seriously.

  6. Relatively calm this week.

  7. It would be great if the police could actually do something about the crime in your area.

    1. Yes it would be nice if they could.

  8. "We finally get rid of drug dealer and now we have this kind of thing going on in the neighborhood?"
    My thoughts exactly...At least that cop seems to be dead serious about catching them!

    1. He definitely seemed like he wants to catch these guys.

  9. So, violent teens instead of drug dealers. Great. Hopefully the police will nick them.

    1. I am really hoping they get caught since they are stupid enough to be tagging in the middle of the day where everybody can see them and not even trying to hide what they're doing.

  10. Kids beating up kids. Lovely. At least the police seem to be trying to get on top of the gang situation near you. I hope they catch them soon. Stay safe this week!

    1. I hope they catch them pretty soon too.

  11. Holy Smokes! From drug dealer to gangs. Sounds like the area needs smudging to rid it of bad energy. Maybe take some sage with you on your walks, drop it as you go.

    1. That's actually not a bad idea. Hopefully I don't see these particular teenagers in the area again.

  12. It's just a bit funny there was an actual dumpster fire... right?!

    WOW - so scary about the gangs. But that's so great you have a police office who is actually looking to do something about it. Quite a change from recent events.

    1. Haha that's flipping hilarious because I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw the dumpster fire. Hopefully those little gang punks get caught and get put away for a while so something like this doesn't happen in my area again.

  13. Oh my gosh. I don't think I'd survive in that kind of heat!

  14. Yeah, I'd want to help catch those dirt bags! They beat up a 12 yr old boy?! Hopefully, they can keep your identity secret if you do give them tips. Kind of scary, but maybe you can get them out quickly so they never settle in like that idiot drug dealer. Stay safe, and cool! Man, those temps!

    1. I actually haven't seen them back around here after our maintenance guy painted over all the graffiti that they spray painted on the Alley wall. But I already know that they wouldn't be keeping our identity secret they would probably have us sign a statement and then testify to what we saw if we gave the cop any tips so we would have to be prepared for that.

  15. From drug dealers to gangs, that's pretty scary. It's a really good thing that that cop who spoke to your daughter is taking it seriously.

    1. I am hoping that the cop catches these guys without us having to intervene.

  16. Oh no. Gang stuff is no joke. Be safe.

    Dumpster fire lol. People joke about that and then you get one.

    1. Yeah it is kind of funny about the dumpster fire. πŸ”₯

  17. Hope they can get the gang punks off the street. Stay safe and be careful. Falcor will be able to know if something fishy is up and will let you know.

    1. Hopefully those gang members just stay out of my area.

  18. I hope they catch those gang members soon. Hooray for a very quick fire department!

    1. I do hope the gang members get caught.

  19. I hope they catch the Taggers/Bangers before more people are victimized by them. Glad the Fire Dept. was on top of things for the 4th, we had a lot of illegal Fireworks going off and it's been very dry due to no Rain for an almost Record time and temps consecutively being over 110 for consecutive days too. So, an East Side Mini Farm Historic Community with a lot of lush Vegetation like ours caught Fire when something, probably a Firework, went into a Palm Tree and ended up burning down Six Properties. Every time I heard them going off, I was holding my breath I wouldn't hear Fire Trucks Sirens next... fortunately, no mishaps, but, you know the people often have been drinking or drugging when they're overly Celebratory with illegal Fireworks... so, not the most responsible Citizens. I didn't feel particularly Patriotic this year due to the dire condition of our Nation.

    1. I was thinking the same thing every time I heard one of the fireworks go off. I think at this point we should just do away with fireworks all together.

  20. They really should open a police station in your street LOL

  21. I hope the police are able to catch the gang members. That's scary.

    There were a lot of illegal fireworks going off here as well--and fires. We heard sirens all night. I heard the police used a drone to try and catch some of the people setting them off, but I am not sure how successful they were.

    I hope you have a good week, Mary.

  22. Omg you cant catch a break

  23. It's like your neighborhood is a magnet for trouble. Geesh!

  24. The gang in my general area are Russians. 😐They are total assholes. They had basically taken over a subsidized rent community housing complex a few years ago terrorizing everyone and they got cleaned out by the police. I thought they were gone, but a couple of years ago there was an uptick in tagging with Russian Cyrillic letters on this side of the city again. I haven't seen any police reports about them, though. If they think Russia is so superior why don't they go back there and leave us alone. 😐

    I hope the police can get a handle on this gang before they settle in in your neighborhood. πŸ˜•

    1. Oh dang, that sounds dangerous. I hope I don't see anymore of them either.

  25. I could imagine a lot of illegal fireworks in the desert


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