Saturday, July 01, 2023

Favorite Song of the Week



I just heard this song for the first time while scrolling through Youtube but I liked it so I added it to my playlist. Am I the only one that spends way too much time scrolling through music on Youtube? I hope you enjoy it. 


  1. I suspect you are in more company than I am. I spend almost no time scanning Youtube. And get lost when I do.

  2. A song I am sure many metal fans can love. I love music and its so fun to see the videos with the music!

  3. And there is spotify

  4. Great sound! I love the way they harmonize on the chorus. And I'm glad you scroll through music on Youtube as much as you do, because if you didn't I would never hear or know about these great bands. ;D

  5. I like that one too, strange video, but I enjoyed it.

  6. Very cool . Not heard this before


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