Thursday, August 03, 2023

Book Review: Your One And Only by Emilie LaForet


Book Description

The Bunny

Stacy Waters lived a life of opulence and prestige but it was all a lie. It was a façade hiding generations of secrets and carnage.

No one truly knew her, including herself, and it drove her to the brink of insanity.

Her only comfort was the illicit love of her brother, John.

When he abandoned her, she realized that love was just another distortion. In his absence, she drowned in darkness, searching for someone like John to reciprocate her love, only to fall into the arms of monsters lurking in the shadows.

The Wolf

John Waters couldn’t reveal his true self. He was a psychopath who enjoyed killing and dreamed of making Stacy his victim every day since they met.

Through the years, a new craving that defied his nature grew stronger. Monsters like him weren’t supposed to love.

He tried to protect her by breaking her heart — again and again — but that only fueled the fire between them. It only made Stacy more determined and tempting. So he did the one thing she always begged him not to. He left.

What would you do to protect the one you cherish from your darkness?

My Review

I don't mind a dark romance at times but the story has to be good and the characters have to be a little likable. This story was all kinds of messed up. This went way beyond a dark romance and landed squarely in the realm of completely messed up. Plus these characters are just broken and I saw no real redeeming qualities in them at all. I wanted to like this one but I just didn't and then that cliffhanger ending just made me mad. There are some things that come up that just aren't explained and it left me a little confused, which is never good for a reader.

First off let me say that John and Stacy are not blood related so not truly brother and sister. She was adopted by his family after her family was killed. She and John were both really young and as they grew up together they got close. 

Even though I read the entire book, it never pulled me in and was so slow in the first half of the book. It was only towards the middle that it picked up a little but then it ended in a cliffhanger so I really felt like I had been let down with taking the time to read this. 

I don't plan on reading the next book because I don't like these characters and really don't want to see what comes next. 

I give this book 1 out of 5 stars. 


  1. I don't think I have ever seen you give a one star rating before.
    And I loathe cliffhangers. It always feels like a cheat to me.

    1. Oh I have a few times. I do not like cliffhangers either.

  2. Sorry it didn't work for you. I usually have to like the characters too.

  3. Likable characters is a must for me in any book.

  4. He wants to kill her all the time and she goes to monsters who she thinks are like him, yeah, that's dark. I'm with you in needing to at least connect with one character in a story like this.

    1. If I don't like the characters, I won't like the book.

  5. Ooof, doesn't sound good at all. I don't blame you for not wanting to pick up the next book.

    1. It's hard to like anything about this book.

  6. Oh dear! Very disappointing!

  7. Seems like you overrated it LOL!

  8. It's a bummer when you feel like you wasted your time on a story. Hope you love your next read.

  9. This sounds messed up for real. I hope your next read will make up for this mess.

  10. Oh no! I hate it when you don't get the answers.


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