Sunday, September 24, 2023

Apartment Life #285

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

At 1am I heard some sirens beeping out front so I looked out my bedroom window and sure enough there were 3 police cars outside. They had Mike pulled over, was searching his suburban and had him in handcuffs. But a few minutes later they let him go. I wonder what they were looking for?


On Wednesday a thunderstorm blew through and my courtyard flooded again. it only lasted a few hours but at least it cooled things off for a while. 

My daughter found these two pills in a baggie out near where some of the homeless people hang out. Over by where the camper was parked across the street a couple of weeks ago.  She brought them home and asked me to Google what they were. So I did. Search results below. 

Turns out these are Counterfeit Oxycodone pills containing Fentanyl. 

She washed her hands real fast, took a picture of them, picked them up with a napkin and flushed them. I don't know how dangerous they are but the fact that they contain fentanyl was enough to scare us both. And I already know she shouldn't be picking up pills from the sidewalk but they were in a baggie and she was curious. 

The high this week was 93F/33C
The low this week was 66F/18C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Hooray for being cooled down - and flushing those tablets.

    1. I'm sure someone is pretty mad they lost their pills.

  2. So much fentanyl has poured across the border...very scary.

  3. A good thing you discovered what the tablets were and got rid of them fast.

  4. Scary finding those pills. Good idea to google

  5. Good move getting rid of those tablets.

    1. I'm sure someone mistakenly dropped them and was mad they couldn't find them.

  6. Those pills could have been a trap. Good she picked up by the bag because, had daughter directly touched the pills, she'd probably have been instantly incapacitated. On the other hand, even the bag could have been dosed. When I found tissue paper stuck to my passenger side car door handle, which I usually open when leaving the Pain Cave to drop off my gear, and remembered the advertised warning this is a trick to incapacitate women, I entered through driver side. When I got home, I used a grabber tool to get the tissue off the handle, just in case it had been dosed. I couldn't imagine what some trickster could want with dosing my old arse, but can't be too careful these days.

    1. It's terrifying that women have to be concerned about something as innocuous as a tissue these days.

      I think one of the homeless druggies dropped their pills. Just last week there were two more over dose deaths at the park just a mile away from where I live.

  7. Well, that is a scary find. I’m glad she flushed them and was careful about handling.

  8. Anything fentanyl scares me, too. What if a kid had picked them up? Or a dog?

  9. Those pills are so scary! Glad they have been flushed away.

    1. isn't it crazy just to find them laying out there? Dang.

  10. That's one thing about storms, sometimes they cool if off! Yikes- fentanyl huh? Someone lost part of their stash...

    1. it was nice and cool for a little while. Oh someone definitely lost part of their stash and I bet they were mad as heck.

  11. Hi Mary. Well that will certainly keep things interesting for you. Glad you and the family are safe. Take care.

  12. I can't say that I am surprised that the pills turned out to be bad news. I am glad that you got rid of them before a kid could find them. Stay safe, Mary!

    1. I'm glad she found them instead of a kid

  13. Really, it's scary here too, we won't pick up anything these days without gloves on.

  14. Happy your daughter didn't have any ill effects from touching the pills! I love a nice rain storm to cool things down. Hope you get some more! :)

    1. I'm glad too because the rain makes things cooler.

  15. Somebody left you a treat-o LOL

  16. How scary. I'm glad you are both okay. I hope this week is a quiet one for you both.

    1. I hope so too but somehow I doubt it.

  17. No picking up pills, but then they need to be take away

    1. I'd rather we flush them than some kid get ahold of them.

  18. I'm glad a kid didn't find them or an animal eat the pills. I swear, you always have to be on guard around your neighborhood.

    1. Yeah, seems like there's always something.


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