Sunday, May 26, 2024

Apartment Life: #319

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

I used my security cameras to get all of the pictures this week. This officer was going to an apartment 3 doors away. The new lady who just moved in has 2 little girls and this officer has come by twice to give the kids a soccer ball, school supplies and other stuff. I have no idea if they're part of an outreach program or are just friends. It's nice seeing police in my neighborhood for something nice for a change. 

The officers police car is towards the left of the picture. She brought the kids and the mother out to her car and gave them boxes of stuff. The kids were so excited. 

There was a crane in the alley behind the apartment complex across the street this week delivering a new air conditioning unit on the roof of the building.

I've seen that a few times. They have central air and get those monster units on the roof while we have smaller wall air conditioners in our units.  

It was pretty quiet this week.

The high this week was 94F/34C
The low this week was 62F/16C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Hooray for police as a force for good.

  2. Hi, Mary!

    It's a pleasant surprise to find a Sunday update that contains nothing but good news. I can't remember that ever happening before. It was uplifting to read about the cop visiting your block on a goodwill mission to bring supplies to your neighbor with young children. I suppose if I went looking for trouble in this week's report, I would find it in the uncomfortable high temperature of 94, which is not good news for the street people.

    As I mentioned yesterday, I'll have a new post up and running tomorrow morning, Memorial Day, and hope you can join me. Here's a hint about the theme of this month's post: "Viva Las Vegas!"

    I wish you and my buddy Falcor a safe and happy holiday, dear friend Mary!

    1. It was nice to see it. I'll come visit tomorrow.

  3. Nice surprise that the cop was there for something good.
    I remember the horror that is an AC window unit. The full size ones work so much better.

    1. My apartment is only 650 square feet. I also have a window AC in my bedroom. So with the two window AC's it keeps it pretty cool in here. Plus those big rooftop AC's are for central air and that's a lot more expensive.

  4. What a nice change up for the reason the police were there! Brought a smile to my face on this gloomy day!

  5. Loved that the officer was doing that for the kids.

  6. The police, for a change, in a positive role - helping a mother with kids.

  7. That's so nice and kind of the police to spread the good will.

  8. Could only imagine how much extra the bill is because they have to use the crane

  9. Nice that it was quieter week for you. :D

  10. Yea for a quiet week with positive police presence! I hope you are staying cool!

  11. Nice to see the police there for a nice reason! You need good air conditioning in Las Vegas! Have a good week, Mary!

    1. We absolutely have to have good AC's.

  12. Hello Mary. It's wonderful if that officer was doing this out of the kindness of her heart and not some departmental requirement. It's been a while since I last visited, and it was pleasantly surprising to read about something positive involving the police out there. Have an awesome weekend.

    1. Nice to see you again. It was nice to report something good around here for once.

  13. It's apartment heaven this week! LOL.

  14. Glad you had a quiet week!

  15. Nice to see a positive mention about the police.

    1. It was nice to see something good around here for once.

  16. Indeed, good to see a police officer being so neighbourly.

  17. You need a monster ac too

    1. I have two window ac's. It works pretty well.


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