Thursday, May 30, 2024

Book Review: Mating of Convenience by Lori Whyte


Book Description


Calla has to protect herself. She doesn't have a choice. And the only way to survive a forced trip into dragon country is to go in with the scents of two powerful dragons on her already.

Her plan? Seduce Xander and Kolz, the hottest dragons she's ever met.

Easy peasy, right? What could possibly go wrong?


The answer – EVERYTHING! Starting with the fact that the dragons don't want a woman for just one night… They want to take a mate. And they want that mate to be her.

About the Mannix Dragon Shifters Series

Over two decades ago, humans discovered dragons are real. They can take the shape of a man, but they are still beasts in their hearts. To survive and keep them sane, every dragon pair needs a mate… Two males for every woman. But what woman would willing join with two dragons?

My Review

When Calla thinks she found proof that women are being kidnapped and given to other dragon shifter clans to be mates, she goes to the dragons that she knows to get help. What they find proof of is even worse than she thought though. So the dragon shifters go about investigating things which puts Calla in danger. The council she's on votes for her to travel to another dragon clan where she could be kidnapped and forced to mate dragons if she isn't protected. But the two dragon shifters that she went to for help with the missing women want her for their own mate and aren't going to let her go anywhere near other dragons without their protection. 

As they travel together and spend more time together, she finds herself falling for both Kolz and Xander. There are some mistakes made by all and some miscommunication that leads to some hurt feelings but things are starting to look up for all three of them when tragedy strikes and it might be the end for all of them if Kolz and Xander can't find a way to help Calla. 

I liked Xander and Kolz a lot. They let Calla make up her mind if she wanted to be their mate and they weren't too pushy even though they were feeling things that made them crazy because of the mating bond beginning. This was a fun book. 

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. 


  1. I am glad you found another good one.

  2. Another dragon shifter!


  3. This sounds like an exciting and intense read! The dynamic between Calla, Kolz, and Xander seems really engaging, especially with the added danger and drama. I love stories where the characters grow closer while facing challenges together.

  4. Seducing two dragons, good luck lol

  5. A dragon bodyguard romance sounds like a fun one.

  6. It does sound like it was a fun one!

  7. It does sound like a fun one!

  8. Sounds a good one.

    All the best Jan

  9. I do enjoy dragons and we get two!

    1. 2 dragons are better than one. lol

  10. Sounds like an enjoyable dragon romance!


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