Sunday, June 23, 2024

Apartment Life #323

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

On Wednesday I noticed an ambulance at one end of the street and a few minutes later the police showed up at the other end of the street. 

The police and paramedics were going to two different apartment complexes so I don't think they were related incidents. It's not often that I see police and paramedics on my street for different calls at the same time. 

It was actually a pretty quiet week, Maybe the hot temperatures are keeping people inside. 

The high this week was 110F/43C
The low this week was 68F/20C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. We haven't got to 20C this week, and our low has been in the negatives.
    I am glad that you had a quiet week and hope you can stay cool. 43C is way too hot for me.

  2. I know I’ve stayed inside all week!

  3. A quiet week is good.
    Our heat index will be close to your temperatures this week, only we'll have humidity with it.

    1. Oh I feel for you with the humidity,

  4. Hi, Mary!

    This is the second month in a row that I showed up here to find that you experienced a quiet and peaceful week. Let us hope this trend continues. Maybe now that you have a better crop of neighbors overall, things will continue in this direction. I've been thinking about you enduring the searing heat. The heat dome has been over my neck of the woods for several days now. A few minutes ago, at 7 am, the temp outside was already 80 degrees, and it is headed up to 95 or 96 for the second straight day. When we visited this area last year at the end of May and early June, just before moving here from Florida, the mercury topped 100. So it can and does get hotter up here in summer than it is back home in the Sunshine State. I phoned my Floridian brother yesterday and he confirmed that. His daily high was only 93.

    I hope you and my buddy Falcor will stay safe and cool on your walks, Mary, and that you will continue to enjoy trouble free days and nights until I see you again next month. Take care, dear friend!

    1. It's definitely hot. Try to stay cool. We are trying to stay cool inside as much as possible.

  5. That's an odd coincidence. At least nothing dramatic happened...quiet week indeed. I wonder if, with 43C, anyone would feel like raising a ruckus LOL.

    1. I know I don't want to be outside. lol It's too hot.

  6. Well, a quiet week is something to enjoy!

  7. With those high temps, I would stay in too. :)

  8. I agree with Bill--with temps that hot I'd be staying inside, too. Here's hoping some cooler weather comes your way!

  9. Sometimes, the ambulance comes for someone feeling bad as a result of the heat. We've had such a case in the building next to mine.

  10. Yes, 110 degrees would definitely keep me indoors!

  11. Yes, hard to be motivated to do anything let along commit a crime when you're so hot! Stay cool, Mary!

  12. The emergency services must know your neighbourhood incredibly well by now.

  13. Crazy as always and hot

  14. We had "excitement" here - our road is being repaved and there are police directing traffic at times. LOL! Glad it was a pretty quiet week for you!

    1. That is some excitement. I'm glad it was quiet too.


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