Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Recipe: Low Carb Fajitas

My daughter found some low carb flour tortillas (Carb Counter brand) and we wanted to try fajitas with them. 

We fried up the peppers, onions and chicken in 0 calorie cooking spray. Made a little guacamole and some Pico De Gallo to go with it. 

Pico De Gallo Recipe

4 large tomatoes diced small
1 1/2 large yellow onions diced small
One bunch of cilantro diced small (about 1 cup)
Juice from 2 lemons
Salt to taste

 Mix all ingredients together and let sit overnight in container in the fridge. You can eat it right after it's been made but for more flavorful Salsa, make 2 days ahead of time and let it sit in an air tight container in the refrigerator.

The low carb tortillas are good. They taste the same as regular tortillas to me. They are fluffier though which I like.
For 2 tortillas it's 60 calories and 14 grams of carbs. 


  1. I am really glad you are finding low carb meals you enjoy.

  2. A nice little lunch treat, although I boo and hiss on cilantro LOL

  3. That is really low calorie for tortillas. Must be lower in fat as well.

  4. I’ve wondered how they taste, so thanks for the review.

  5. That looks pretty darn yummy!

  6. Yum! I love chicken fajitas with peppers and onions.

  7. I need to find some of those low carb tortillas!

    1. We found them in the regular grocery store.

  8. Looks yummy! I love fajitas, and the prep doesn't sound too overwhelming.

  9. My body can handle carbs just fine which I'm glad because I hear the struggles with finding delicious low carb stuff is challenging. Had a lady that was diabetic at work and she would vent all the time

    1. I just love bread, cakes, donuts ect and can't eat that stuff too much anymore. So it's nice to find some good tasting stuff I can eat.

  10. Pleased that you have been able to find these, they do look good.

    All the best Jan

    1. I think I like these tortillas better than regular ones.

  11. I'll have to look for those tortillas. I like a fluffy one over the stiffer variety.


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