Sunday, July 21, 2024

Apartment Life #327

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

I have a lot to catch up on this week. I took a lot of pictures the 10 days that I was without internet. 

The man in the grocery cart was back a few times. I don't know why he chose to sleep in the cart, it can't be comfortable.

I wasn't going to share this homeless woman's picture while she was washing her clothes and hanging them on the fence line but then she started hitting the crack pipe while she was standing there. That's what she's bent over doing. She was getting the crack pipe ready and then hit it over by the wall. Unbelievable.

One night at 11PM the police showed up with sirens and lights. 

There were about 5 cop cars that showed up, they got out of their cars with their guns drawn, and ran to the right down the walking path. Then they ran back to their cars and sped off down the walking path. I have no idea what was going on down there.

The police showed up one day and were checking out some of the homeless people on my street. I've noticed at least 12 homeless people on my street this past week. The police stop them and search them all the time.

Falcor in his new hot weather booties that he hates.

I spotted this flowering bush across the street. It has orange flowers on it. I wanted to show something nice amongst all the bad.

Not sure what kind of flowers these are but they're pretty.

A few years ago this man (Jeff) had a fire in his apartment right across the courtyard from me. He was moved to another apartment. A couple of months ago his wife passed away and he was evicted soon after and is now one of the homeless people that hang out around here. I used to refer to him as married guy. He and his girlfriend that he has now hang out and hit the meth pipe and shoot heroin in plain view, I've seen them do it. Well the police stopped him last week, searched his bags and must have found something because he was arrested. 

I heard what sounded like gunshots one night. Wasn't sure what or where it was coming from. The next day I saw paintball marks on the sound wall in several places.

All those little white marks are where paintballs hit the wall. 

This is at least the third time that I've seen paintball marks on the walls around here. I worry when I see that because I don't want someone to drive by and hit me or others with the paintballs if we happen to be out at that time. 

The high this week was 109F/42C
The low this week was 85F/29C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. A very busy week. Thanks for the pretty flowers - and for giving Falcor hot weather boots - even if he hates them.

    1. You're welcome. It was a very busy week for sure.

  2. Poor Falcor having to wear hot weather booties that he hates! I hope nobody gets hit with paintballs.

  3. If that guy went to sleep not in the shopping cart, some other homeless person might well steal it from him. Those things are pretty valuable to homeless people for transporting their stuff around.

    I'm surprised that sound wall isn't covered with graffiti.

    Do the local authorities have any program in place for getting the homeless people into housing, or do they just harass them via the police?

    1. Yeah, it could have been stolen.

      Graffiti gets sprayed on it but the city workers come by once a month and spray paint it the same color if anything is on it.

      There are a lot of shelters and the van from the shelter comes by with the Marshall when there is an encampment of homeless people and asks them if they want a ride to the shelter. But like someone else said, they don't go because they can't do drugs there.

    2. If I were homeless, I'd probably accept the ride to the shelter just so I could get away from all the druggies.

    3. Yeah, you would think they would take the help.

  4. Falcor needs those boots - you're a good owner to put them on him.
    Too bad pictures aren't enough to convict someone these days...

  5. Never a dull moment, Holy crap the Homeless situation has become a scourge in so many communities. The Drug Addiction makes me wonder how people who can't afford Rent can manage to Support such an expensive habit on the Regular tho'... if they put whatever earnings from getting their Fixes to good use, I suspect a good many could lead more normal lives and tho' I'm sure whatever they do isn't Legal to earn the Money... it would make Life safer and less Crime ridden for everyone else in the Communities they inhabit! Good People like yourselves suffer for what they disrupt every place they are. The Booties might be Hated but so necessary in this Heat. I don't know how the Wild Animals cope?

    1. A lot of drug addicts support their habits by stealing. Landlords generally require proof of a reliable source of income. Even if you could steal enough to pay rent every month (and these days that would require more energy and dedication than a regular job), a landlord probably wouldn't consider that an acceptable source of income.

    2. Too right. My complex requires proof of a job, a background check and proof you make at least twice the rent each month. They do steal a lot from the businesses and from people living here. One guy stole a bunch of paint supplies form the maintenance shop and then tried to sell it back to the maintenance guy and was mad when he wouldn't buy it all back.

  6. You can’t do drugs at the shelters, so this is what our communities have become. Good documentation, Mary!

  7. Those homeless photos are very moving.

    1. If they got off the drugs, they might be able to get their lives together.

  8. Kudos for putting boots on Falcor and I can't imagine how awful it must be for Jeff to go from living in the building to living on the streets outside the building.

    1. Jeff has been selling drugs around here for years.

  9. Sad about the woman doing crack. Falcor got to protect his small feet so I hope he gets used to them. We had a couple of dogs when we lived in Alaska and I had to buy some booties for their feet. They wore them when we went for walks. It was -40 sometimes and they hated the booties. When we walked, they tried real hard to get them off. :)

    1. Yeah, he's been trying to get them off but he's walking better in them.

  10. You look pretty sharp in your booties Falcor. Dang, to much happening at your place!

  11. That guy does not look comfortable

  12. How normal and delightful to see your little dog after the pictures of all those drug addled lost humans. What are we doing to ourselves???

    1. I feel for them but they might not be on the streets if they got off the drugs.

  13. Falcor in boots, and the flower bush - are indeed a breath of fresh air in all this reality of homeless people and police cars.

  14. 10 days. Wow. Hope you've been well Mary.

    Aww Falcor

    1. I'm doing good. How have you been?

  15. It's unbelievable that lady just smokes her crack right there out in the open! I'm sure those booties help keep Falcor from burning his feet in the hot weather, but yes, animals hate stuff like that. The flowers are beautiful! If I'm not mistaken I think they're lantana.

    1. These druggies just don't care at all.

  16. I had my dog at the vet many years ago during summer for some shots. A guy and his kids came in with a puppy with sunburned/pavement burned feet. It was a terrible sight. The father AND the kids were crying, they all felt so bad, they had no idea that the little guy was getting burned. The vet sold them some dog boots and said that they had to wait two weeks before putting them on, the dog needed to heal.

    It really was awful. I'm glad you have Falcor's feet protected. :)

    I don't know what needs to be done to solve the issues that are making people homeless. Yeah, there is a lot of drug use, but also it's practically impossible for people to make a living. We bought our house in 1996. No way in hell could we afford to buy now, and we both have decent jobs!

    Please stay safe when you're out taking pictures.

    1. I walk barefoot everywhere that Falcor does just to make sure it's not too hot and for the most part the concrete around here is easily walked on even in the hottest weather. But the rocks get hot and I don't want it to hurt his feet.

      Everything is so expensive.

  17. Her daily dose of crack is probably the only respite she gets from being homeless, it is a vicious circle.

  18. I guess a shopping cart is better than the ground? Probably a little cleaner at least.

  19. I love that you can find some beauty in among the chaos. Poor Falcor - but his feet need protecting!

    1. His little feet do need protecting.


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