Friday, March 14, 2025

Sewer Flowers

Well that title got your attention, didn't it? lol 
So I've posted before when the washout drains backup and the raw sewage spills out. That pipe right next to these flowers is one of those pipes. Funny enough there are flowers next to a few of those pipes sprouting up. There are tiny yellow flowers on that plant. So, sewer flowers? lol 

Spring has sprung?

Maintenance twisted an end cap on the overflow pipe at the end of this building where the raw sewage will spill out when the tubs or toilets start backing up. And now there are flowers popping up next to this. More tiny yellow flowers. I just thought it was funny when my first thought was...Sewer Flowers!

My daughter's little garden is flourishing. 

She planted some flowers this time and there are a few sprouted. But they're really small still.

And then there's these plants. But mostly the one on the right. The spigot right above these plants drips all the time so they get water. Over the course of a week, I watched that plant on the right get much bigger. 

It looked like it was growing an inch or more a day. 

I wonder how much bigger it will get before maintenance starts killing all the plant life around the property like they do each year. We had beautiful wild flowers last year and maintenance came through with weed killer and killed everything. So I'm sure these plants won't last long. 

But for now whatever this plant is, is growing really fast. 


  1. I wouldn't expect those sewer flowers to smell very good.

    Hopefully the maintenance people will at least spare your daughter's garden. Amazing that they can make the effort to kill all the plants but not to deal with the raw sewage problem permanently.

    Never trust a plant that grows an inch a day. It's probably one of those ones that grows a big pod and then when you fall asleep a duplicate of you comes out of the pod and replaces you.

    1. Invasion of the Body Snatchers? lol If I see any pods growing on this thing, I'll stay away. Maintenance has left my daughter's garden alone for the last couple of years.

  2. That's some fast growth.
    Hope none of the idiots around your apartment destroys your daughter's garden.

    1. So far everyone leaves my daughter's little garden alone.

  3. It's nice something green can come from the sewage.

  4. That’s so nice that your daughter has that garden! I love wildflowers and I hope no one kills them thisyear.

  5. Is it suspicious that the Sewer Flowers are yellow? LOL! I love your daughter's wee garden patch!

    1. LOL Thanks, she's pretty happy that things sprouted.

  6. It's amazing to see some of the places plants pop up.

  7. It's a shame that maintenance systematically destroys all the plants. Any remote chance of stopping them?

    1. I doubt it. Last year when I asked Juan why he was doing it he said that the managers told him to.

  8. Your daughter's garden looks great! But sewer flowers? I don't know whether to laugh or cry. ;D

  9. Hats off to nature!

  10. I love how nature always finds a way!

    1. Yes, I do too. It always finds a way.

  11. At least those sewers are worth something!

    What flowers is your daughter growing? I don't recognise the leaves.

    1. She's growing wild flowers. Don't know what kind they will be yet.

  12. Sewer We can't make up our minds here but there are small signs of spring.

    1. It's cold here now but it's been nice.

  13. Those flowers have the power of a super plant, nothing can stop the sewer flowers from sprouting something pretty.

  14. I like sewer flowers. And, considering what manure is, I can see why they'd flourish there.

  15. Sewer flowers indeed! The sewage must be excellent fertilizer. Too bad their days are numbered. Alana

    1. Yeah, I haven't seen maintenance around here lately so maybe they will be around for a while.

  16. Well, that makes sense to me actually that flowers grow near the waste overflow pipes. There's lots of manure in most planting soil and farm fields. :)

    Your daughter's garden is really flourishing.

    Have a great weekend, Mary!

    1. Yeah the manure is helping this stuff grow. Thank you, she is loving her little garden.

  17. The Sewer Flowers could be the name of a musical group LOL. Your daughter's garden is very nice. Of course maintenance couldn't have something pretty hanging around outside.

    1. LOL A music group. That's funny. Thank you. She love's her garden.

  18. I guess there's built in fertilizer! How nice that something pretty like flowers can come from something yucky. Can't wait to see what blooms with your daughter's garden. Love it!


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