Sunday, June 02, 2019

Apartment Life #83

This is a new weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 20 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 20 years here in a weekly blog post.

I know this is a really bad picture but I didn't have time to go outside before the police took off, so I took it out the bedroom window. But you can see the two cops cars with their lights on in the picture. Apparently there was a fight 3 doors down from me and the guy took off after the woman called the police. The police left and I haven't seen the guy back here since they had the fight.

Ken came in last Sunday morning and I found out he burnt his thumb *not bad* because he stopped a car from catching on fire. The battery in the car had shifted and the red terminal was touching the body of the car which I guess made everything around it really hot. It was smoking and Ken told the guy to move the battery upright but it was so hot that it was partially welding itself to the car. Ken pulled a wire off and burned his finger because it was so hot and then grabbed the battery by the handle and yanked it off the car but the metal got so hot it left a hole in the metal of the car. Ken is fine and the car didn't catch fire but Ken said it was close.  

Last Saturday one of my neighbors let another neighbor borrow her van to run an errand at 9am. The woman came back a little while later and dropped her husband off and took off with the car again and didn't tell the woman that she was taking her car for another errand, she found out from the husband who then shut his door and wouldn't answer it anymore on Saturday. I found out about it at 9pm and the woman still wasn't back with the van and the husband wouldn't answer the door. The woman who took the van wouldn't answer her phone. Come Sunday morning she still wasn't back and the owner called the non emergency number who told her she had to wait 48 hours before she could report it stolen. Meanwhile the husband didn't come out of his apartment all day Sunday. Then Sunday night the owner's daughter called her and told her that she spotted the van at a 7-11 and there were 4 guys in it but the woman who took it wasn't there. The owner told her daughter to call police and let them know but since it hadn't been 48 hours yet and it hadn't been reported stolen they wouldn't even come out.

So the daughter went over to the van and told them the van had been reported stolen and they needed to get the hell out and give her the keys since it was her mom's car. She then asked where the woman who took it was and they told her that "red" had let them borrow the van for a little while. It turned out that "red" had let them borrow the car for a few days in exchange for some drugs and she was passed out at someone's house now. So the guys got out, gave her the keys and she brought the van back to her mom. They checked the van out and there wasn't a scratch on it. She's damn lucky. The woman who took it came back home but she and her husband are keeping a low profile in their apartment. I've seen them a few times but they aren't sitting outside like they used to do every morning. This is the same woman who I saw standing in her doorway naked a few weeks ago. 

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. I suspect 'red' won't be borrowing the neighbours car again anytime soon.

  2. Why did she lend that van?! Big mistake

    1. she said she felt intimidated. She's an older woman and this younger woman pretty much bullied her into it.

  3. "All's well that ended well" but the owner of the van should consider herself lucky she got it back and in one piece.

  4. Sure will never lend that van again. Having a vehicle go up in flames would have given you some good pics haha good it didn't though.

    1. It would have made for good pics but I'm glad it didn't happen.

  5. Hopefully that was a lesson learned - don't let people borrow your car.
    Glad Ken wasn't hurt bad saving that car from going up in flames.

    1. She won't be lending it out again. Ken is fine, he did get a nasty blister on his finger but it's ok.

  6. Omg that is crazy! I can't believe the owner's daughter confronted those guys! That does not sound like a safe idea!

    That was nice of Ken to help out with the car battery.

    1. I couldn't believe her daughter did that but she's a big/tall woman who doesn't seem to be scared of much. LOL Ken said he just didn't want the car to catch fire and maybe start one of the buildings here on fire.

  7. Glad Ken didn't get badly hurt. Good strategy for how to stop a car from burning-I will take note.

    1. Thanks me too. I wouldn't have even known what was happening.Now I know too.

  8. Ouch, tlad Ken is okay! That was sure a van loaning mess.

    1. He's fine. I'm sure she won't lend the car out again.

  9. Holy cow! I like to think I'm a generous person, but I don't lend our car to nearly strangers even if they do live near by. I've driven a person to the store or an appointment, but never lent the car.

    And, Ken! What a hero! :) I hope his finger heals quickly.

    1. I've never lent out my car either. It's almost healed now.

  10. Thanks for commenting.

  11. wow she is lucky to have the van back

  12. She is dang lucky to have the van back! And without a scratch to boot!

    1. I was so surprised it was alright.

  13. What a rotten way to treat a nice person who lent her the van. Never again will she do that.
    Glad Ken stopped the car from blazing up in flames and he is recovering just fine.
    Have a wonderful and hopefully uneventful evening.

    1. She won't lend her car out again. Everyone around here told her not too. Thank you, you too.

  14. I'm glad Ken is okay! That van story is crazy. She should have lied to the police and told them it had already been 48 hours.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

  15. Glad that the burn is healing and he stopped a car from burning up. Now I know something...the battery should never move.

  16. "standing in her doorway naked" lol. Okay then! Wow... that would drive me nuts not knowing where my van was! Yeesh.

    Glad the car thing wasn't worse! Sounds like it was a close call with that battery.

    1. That woman still likes to stand in her doorway naked. lol I'm glad the car didn't catch on fire.

  17. Another day, another criminal

  18. Holy heck. That lady was so lucky she got her van back in one piece.

    1. I know. I doubt she'll make that mistake again.

  19. Wow! Glad she got her van back after all that!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  20. WTH!!! I am glad they got the van back. They are super lucky. Hope they learned a lesson about loaning things out. Yikes!

    1. She is so lucky. I was sure she wouldn't see that van again.


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