Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Everyone Has A Story, Here's One Of Mine

I've been thinking of writing an autobiography or memoir but it just never comes together for me but I figured if I write one story at a time and post it on my blog maybe once a month, I can do that. Maybe one day I'll pull all the stories together and put them in a book but for now I'll just share some stories with you about my childhood. Some of the stories will be happy, some sad and some horrific because that was my childhood. But they will all be real, things that actually happened. If it seems like something that people enjoy reading maybe I'll keep it going. These stories will not be in any kind of order, I'll just write them as they come to me.

Jim and Dianne

When I was a kid and my parents were still married there was a couple who lived next door named, Jim and Dianne. Dianne was a good friend to my mom and she would come over all the time when my dad was at work and Jim was at work. My dad was a dog and I knew he had affairs with many of the women in our area, he even had an affair with his psychiatrist, but that's a story for another time. I found out after Jim and Dianne moved away that my dad had an affair with Dianne and that's why they moved away. 

Years later (Like 5 years) after my parents had divorced, my mom ran into Jim and she started dating him. He was one of her nicer boyfriends. He was nice to my brother and I and he was nice to my mom. Jim had no job though and no money but he said he was going to get us crab and steak for dinner one night. So we all piled into my mom's car and went to the store. Jim had on a couple of shirts and his jacket. He told my mom to get a few things like she normally would and he would meet her out in the car. 

Once we got out to the car, Jim had smuggled a few packs of crab legs and several steaks under his shirts and jacket. I don't know how he did it but his entire torso was scraped up from the crab legs but he was so proud of himself. My mom didn't have much money so she didn't say a thing to him about how he got the food. We ate good that night. 

Jim didn't stay around for very long and my mom moved on to a different guy. I wish they had stayed together for a little while longer since he was one of the nicer guys she dated. 


  1. From what you have written before it is a real shame that Jim didn't stay around for long. Times were obviously tough for you all, but he didn't take it out on your mama or on you.

  2. OMG 😂. This belongs in a movie! And I find it funny that your mom ended up dating the ex of her former friend who had an affair with your dad. Karma and all that LOL.

    1. Karema is right. My dad thought it was funny as hell as well.

  3. Well, that was nuts, but at least nutty in a good way!

  4. Yes, too bad Jim didn't stick around longer.

  5. Perhaps your Mom ended the affair.

  6. My mom had very poor luck with dating after my dad died. There was really only one of them that I sort of liked. She dated some weirdos cheaters and some old ugly ass mother fuckers LOL

  7. Better not ask too many questions about how Jim obtained the crab legs and steaks!

  8. What a great way to get your story written. Having the posts on your blog will make it easier to put it all together. :) Sounds like an interesting time. I am glad he was a nice boyfriend of your mom's. It can be tricky when parents date people and they come into our lives.

  9. Jim sounds like a nice guy, too bad it didn't work out. Have a wonderful month of July.

    1. Thank you. It's gonna be a hot month.

  10. Well, now I know where Taylor Jenkins Reid got her idea for couples to swap around when a pair of them were cheating in one of her books. Just Kidding.

    I wish the situations that led to your mom and Jim dating were different, but that Jim sounds like an interesting character. :)

    1. Now I have to look into that book! LOL
      He was definitely interesting.

  11. Life can often have better Stories than any Fiction. Glad you're telling some of yours.

    1. Thank you. I do have some great stories for sure.

  12. Too bad it did not last longer

  13. It's interesting reading some of your stories like this on your blog. That's good to hear your mom had a nice boyfriend for a while, too bad it didn't last longer.

    1. I wish it had lasted longer because some of them were awful.


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