Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Everyone Has A Story, Here's One of Mine


I've been thinking of writing an autobiography or memoir but it just never comes together for me but I figured if I write one story at a time and post it on my blog maybe once a month, I can do that. Maybe one day I'll pull all the stories together and put them in a book but for now I'll just share some stories with you about my childhood. Some of the stories will be happy, some sad and some horrific because that was my childhood. But they will all be real, things that actually happened. If it seems like something that people enjoy reading maybe I'll keep it going. These stories will not be in any kind of order, I'll just write them as they come to me.

Jumping into Big Bear Lake when I didn't know how to swim

Back in 1984, I was 14 years old my mom, me, my younger brother, uncle Jack and his wife, Wanda decided to take a vacation weekend trip to Big Bear, California. Wanda's daughter who was a year younger than me came too. My family loved Big Bear so we went there quite a few times. They also rented a pontoon boat. We all went out on the boat one day and we were all wearing the big orange life jackets, which I was grateful for since I didn't know how to swim. 

My brother and Wanda's daughter knew how to swim and they both jumped into the lake wearing their life vests. They were both egging me on to jump in since I was wearing a life jacket too. My uncle Jack told me that it would keep me afloat and both of the other kids stopped moving to show me that the vests kept them above the water. So I decided to be unpredictable and do something unusual for me and I jumped in. The life jacket kept me afloat and I had a good time until I felt seaweed wrapping around my ankle. 

My uncle and Wanda helped me get back on the boat, thankfully there was a short metal ladder on the side of the boat that I was able to climb onto and with some help was able to get back on the boat. My mom told me she was really surprised that I jumped into the lake since I didn't like deep water and Big Bear Lake is so dark you can't see into at all. I didn't know that the lake was around 70 feet deep either or I might not have jumped in. But I had a good time, I always liked going there. 

Links to past stories



  1. That must have taken some courage. I am glad you were able to take the plunge.

  2. Parents really should explicitly teach their kids not to be manipulated by other kids egging them on to do things. I'm sure quite a few deaths have resulted from the desire not to seem "chicken" when other kids are yelling "I dare you to do it!"

    In your case it probably wasn't too dangerous since you had the life jacket, but it sounds like the seaweed could have been a hazard, and being in the water is always somewhat unpredictable.

    1. My parents weren't worth a damn most of the time. But it was fun at the time.

  3. Even with the life jacket...I guess it could have been dangerous, in case it deflated for some reasons...

    1. It would have been but luckily it wasn't.

  4. A lake that was dark and deep, and you not knowing how to swim, sounds like a horror story in the making. Could have been a creature, rather than seaweed. Did you ever get back in the lake again during future visits?

    1. No, I never swam in the lake after that.

  5. I think you should write a memoir. The process can be very cathartic.

  6. That had to be a bit scary but hooray for boat ladders!

  7. All's well that ends well"

  8. What a fun memory. :D And way to be brave jumping into that lake!

  9. While it must have been scary, do you recall if you had a brief moment of joy jumping in? Happy New Year!

    1. I did. This was one of the fun moments even if it did have a scary moment at the end. I did something I wouldn't have normally done.

  10. The seaweed must have been scary. As kids we imagine things and I can see imagining a sea monster was grabbing me :)

  11. Big Bear is a beautiful place. Sounds like this was mostly a happy memory for you! Glad you had a lifevest!

  12. Your story reminded me of the time that my mother was in the long-distance relationship with the man she met online from Big Bear California. They eventually met in person when she flew to Las Vegas Nevada. My mother has a Christian but not in the traditional sense and for some reason he didn't know that So eventually he abandoned her at the airport and I didn't realize until a year or two ago but she didn't have any money at the time. My mother didn't make the best life choices to be honest

  13. That was very brave of you! I am glad it worked out and you had fun in the end.

  14. I don't really remember not knowing how to swim, but I know how frightening water can be for those who don't swim.

    1. I finally taught myself to swim when I was 15.

  15. I had to learn to swim in high school because our high school had a pool and swimming was a requirement. But by about 10 years after, I lost all I had learned because of not practicing. It was not like getting back on a bike for me.

    1. Our school had a pool but only those on the swim team were allowed in the building.

  16. Seaweed freaks me out when it touches me too. Glad you had a good memory of your experience there otherwise though!

  17. I am glad you had a life jacket


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