Thursday, June 06, 2024

Book Review: Moon Kissed by Donna Grant


Book Description

For years, Addison Moore worked herself ragged to achieve her goals. Close to earning her degree, the contents of a shocking letter rip her world to shreds. In an attempt to forget, she wanders into a bar, unknowingly changing her life forever. Suddenly she’s surrounded by the supernatural she thought only myth and stalked by an evil priestess intent on her death. Her only chance is with an enigmatic man who makes her want to forget everything just to be in his arms.

Myles LaRue was content owning a bar and hunting evil in the French Quarter. He wasn’t looking for love, especially after the tragedy his family already experienced. But when the exquisite Addison Moore walks into his life, he can’t help but be charmed. Despite the dangers surrounding them, Myles comes to one conclusion - against the odds they found each other, and now that they have, he will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

My Review

Because Myles family has been cursed by a voodoo priestess, he has no plans on finding a wife or bringing anyone into his life. But in walks Addison after having a bad day, she gets a job in a bar that she happened to walk into for lunch. They are attracted to one another but Myles is trying to keep her at arms length to keep her safe. 

When the voodoo priestess gets wind that Addison is there, that puts her in danger and Myles has to ask for help from people he's not sure he can trust. 

I loved the world that Donna Grant created and I will probably read more of this series and the previous series because of this book. I've read Donna Grant before and I love her books. I thought that Myles and Addison were so sweet together once they decided to give into their feelings. This was a short novella but it just wet my appetite for these characters. There were werewolves, witches and other paranormals in this book which I really liked. 

I give this book 3 out of 5 stars.