This is Brodie. he's my smallest boy. he only weighs 1/2 lb. He lost a little weight when he got sick a month ago, but I've been giving him anti-biotics and he seems to be doing much better. He's more spunky again and eating more, so I'm hoping he will gain a little weight back. But he's always been my little guy.
Here's jasper. I just love his little face. he weighs 3lbs. He's a huge rat! When people come over they cannot believe how big this guy is. He's my lover boy, he loves to cuddle with us.
Here's Hades. He's just under 3lbs. He's my second biggest rat and he is by far the laziest. When we take him out he just lays down wherever we put him and waits to be petted. Unless there is food invloved and then he is as fast as a cobra. I kid you not.
And this is Ares. He's my antisocial boy. He doesn't like to come out of the cage all that often and doesn't like to be held. But if you come over to the cage he will let you pet him, give him food, play with him..just as long as you don't try to take him out.
And there you have my 4 boys. Aren't they cute!