Wednesday, December 20, 2023

It's a Falcor Fashion Show

I wanted to show off Falcor's outfits now that it's cooler and he's wearing some of his shirts and jackets again. This is a warm jacket for cooler weather. 

His hoodie that says, "Mister steal your girl."

With the hood down.

His thicker sweater.

He has Pajamas. But he won't sleep in them. They are just for hanging out before bed. He sleeps in my bed now, under the covers with me so there's no chance he'll be cold at night. Ever since he got the cone off, he hasn't wanted to sleep alone. He's half Chihuahua and I've read that they like to burrow into blankets and be covered when they sleep and he certainly does.

His T-shirt. It says, "looking good."

A neighbor bought some shirts for her dog but they were too small so she gave them to me for Falcor. We were trying them on and he was annoyed. lol  The T-shirt says, "Security."

Can you tell he's annoyed? lol He wouldn't even open his eyes. So we stopped so he could take a nap. lol