Sunday, June 30, 2024

Apartment Life #324

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

Monday afternoon I was out with Falcor,  I watched a jeep with 4 guys in it pull up to a neighbor's car,  get the door open and ransack it as the alarm was going off. They were all wearing dark hoodies in 110 weather, so I knew something weird was up. They took off soon after within a few seconds so it happened fast. I knocked on the neighbors door to let him know, thankfully they didn't wreck his car or steal it.

He decided not to call the police. He said he didn't want the hassle. They didn't steal anything, just broke the back window that he said he's just going to replace.


I saw this lady outside on one of the hot days. She was working on her car with two little kids inside the car and no AC running. So I was nice and went out there after 30 minutes and brought her 3 bottle of water. She took the water and then yelled at me to, "Next time mind my business".  

So I went back inside and left her to it. She was out there for another 20 minutes before she got the car started. No good deed goes unpunished I guess. I've never seen her before so I don't think she lives around here.

At 1AM Wednesday night I was woke up by this guy standing right outside my window yelling and whistling at someone down the street. 

He kept going out in the street and whistling really loud and then yelling. 

He would yell at someone, look at his phone, turn around look at my window I guess to see if I was looking out and then start yelling again. I took these pictures with my video camera though.

Finally another guy walks up and they stood there arguing but finally picked up their groceries they had on the ground and started to walk off.  They were yelling at each other the entire time they were walking down the sidewalk away from me. 

The high this week was 110F/43C
The low this week was 80F/26C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.