Sunday, October 20, 2024

Apartment Life #340

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

The police were here right a the sun was going down on Tuesday. They were using their flashlights to look at the sidewalk again. I don't know if they found anything because they left soon after. 

There was a loud argument in my courtyard on Wednesday. The lady who moved in a while back and was taken away in the ambulance who had cancer, never came back home. I think she might have passed away. There are now tweaker(drug addict) family members living in her apartment. I see a lot of people coming over, staying for a few seconds and leavin again. It looks like they are dealing drugs to me. Well they got into a fight with each other and the police were called. I didn't see anyone get arrested though which is surprising because it was obvious that some of those people were high as hell. 

This grocery cart was sitting on the sidewalk and I noticed that someone had lit a fire inside it and melted part of it. I've seen homeless people use these as BBQ's before and that's likely what happened but this is plastic one not a metal frame cart that they could use for that. 

It was melted pretty good. 

Here's an update on the weird bullet situation. A couple of weeks ago I told you my daughter was finding bullets out in the alley. This week I noticed there were three single bullets in one of my neighbors window sills. Now I have no idea if he found them or if they are his. Then I noticed these three bullets in front of his door that someone had stood upright. He was in his apartment at the time and they were right in front of his door so he couldn't have put them there and opened his door to go in. Someone had to have put them there. 

That's weird, right? 

Here are two bullets in his window.

Like, why? I want to ask him what's up but I'm not sure I want to really know if it's a weird reason. A couple of days after these pictures were taken, the manager and security showed up and evicted the guy who was staying there illegally. His sister had rented the apartment and she moved out last month and he had been staying there without paying rent since then. They locked him out/changed the locks and I've seen him hanging out with the homeless people since then. 

This is a screenshot from my 2 window cameras on Friday around Noon time. The bedroom camera was all cloudy skies while the living room camera shows blue clear skies. I thought the contrast was cool. I can pull up both cameras at the same time and see what's happening in both areas. 

The high this week was 91F/32C
The low this week was 58F/14C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.