Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Favorite Picture of the Week- Plus Falcor Turns 10!

Those clouds were huge as they formed over the mountains and moved my way. I figured we would get a little bit of rain out of them and we did, just a little.

And yes that's our pool for our apartment complex but it's hardly ever open. Right now the gate has a padlock on it. 

 It was nice while it lasted but I think that might be the last of the rain for a while unless we get some thunderstorms and flash flooding this Summer. 


My little boy is 10 years old today. 

I've noticed some cloudiness to his eyes now especially when I take pictures. The veterinarian said Falcor was in good health at his last vet appointment though so that's good news. He's still just as happy and energetic as can be too. Still wants to go for a walk 8-10 times a day. But he sleeps a lot more now. He's 10, he can do whatever he wants. lol