Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Everyone Has A Story, Here's One of Mine

I've been thinking of writing an autobiography or memoir but it just never comes together for me but I figured if I write one story at a time and post it on my blog maybe once a month, I can do that. Maybe one day I'll pull all the stories together and put them in a book but for now I'll just share some stories with you about my childhood. Some of the stories will be happy, some sad and some horrific because that was my childhood. But they will all be real, things that actually happened. If it seems like something that people enjoy reading maybe I'll keep it going. These stories will not be in any kind of order, I'll just write them as they come to me.

Being known as the girl who fainted on stage in middle school.

Back in the 70's and 80's when I was in elementary and middle school we still did plays for the different holidays where the entire class would be up on stage in the cafeteria or auditorium and we would sing songs for whatever holiday it happened to be. When I was 8 years old and in the 3rd grade, my class practiced for weeks for the Christmas play and we were singing all kinds of Christmas songs for the school and our parents. 

The day of the show we all had our costumes on, everyone was packed into the very large cafeteria where the stage was and the large overhead lights were on us so we could be seen better. It was warm and I was nervous with everyone staring at us and my mom being there watching. But we started singing and holding up the different Christmas props that we had to hold up for the different songs and I started to feel weird. Lightheaded and dizzy. The other teachers and the school Principal were in the chairs right in front of the stage and they were pretty close to the front of the stage. In front of us kids on stage was one of those really tall, heavy, metal microphones on a stand that was broadcasting our voices to the speakers in the cafeteria. 

I was in the middle of all the kids and just happened to be standing right in front of the microphone so when I fainted, I fell right into it and sent it tumbling over the stage where it hit the Principal right in the head. He ended up having to go to the hospital where he had to get a few stitches in his head. The paramedics checked me out for fainting and my mom was already there in the audience but I was fine. The paramedics said I probably just got over heated which combined with the nervousness caused me to faint. 

I was known for years as the girl who fainted on stage. The funny thing is when I was in 8th grade we had a chance to join the school choir and I joined and was in the school choir until the 12th grade. We traveled to Children's hospitals during the Holidays and sang for them. I liked being on stage even after that first incident. 

QUESTION: Since it's near the end of the year I thought I would ask if you would like me to continue these posts each month next year? If you find them interesting or like reading them, let me know. 


  1. It would have been more appropriate to be known as the girl who sent the principal to the hospital, LOL though not really funny as you could have unalived him. I find your stories fascinating, even the hard ones to read about how you were mistreated by various family members and being blamed for choices other adults have made. It always gets my goat when children are mistreated.

    1. I know, but they always knew me as the girl who fainted. Funny what they take from a situation. Maybe some of them didn't know the principal got hurt. Just knew what they saw and that was me fainting. I'm so glad everyone is enjoying my posts.

  2. I love your stories and would like to hear more! And yeah, I do remember a few kids who fainted in school, over the years. One girl was just standing in front of the class, giving a report.

    1. Some kids that is enough to bring on the fainty feelings.

  3. I also would have expected that you'd be remembered as the girl who beaned a principal with a microphone. Few could boast such a feat. Since the underlying cause of the faint wasn't too serious, this story turned out better than some of the others you've posted.

    I hope these autobiographical posts will continue, as long as you feel you have material for them. There have been some dramatic and even shocking stories.

    1. I don't know why most kids remembered me fainting but not the principal getting hit with the pole. Oh I have loads of material for more posts I just wanted to make sure people were interested.

  4. Absolutely continue! And oh my, fainting is one thing (and not good) but also whacking the principal on the head! Yikes.

    1. Thank you. I will continue. Yeah, that was definitely something. lol

  5. Definitely continue these stories. And yes, I am glad that you were ok, and that so was the principal - even if he was a bit battered.

    1. Poor guy was so nice about it when he'd see me after that too.

  6. I love reading your stories, so I hope you continue writing them!

    1. I have lots more things to write about so I will now that I know you all like reading it.

  7. Oh, yes Mary, go ahead with the stories! I Iike to read them and find your way of narration very interesting.

    1. Thank you so much, I have more stuff to talk about so I will continue.

  8. Definitely continue, Mary.

  9. I think that you should continue

  10. That was quite the story. When I was young I didn't do well in front of groups of people but I finally got over it. I think you should continue your stories too, I enjoy reading them.

    1. It's hard being in front of people and talking. Thank you.

  11. I had a issue on stage for a dance recital when I was about 4 years old, but fortunately no one ended up with stitches.

  12. What a story and memory. I bet the principal never forgot it. :) Love reading your stories, they are really good so please continue. Wishing you a great November.

    1. Thank you. I think I have plenty left so I will.

  13. I love reading your stories. So sorry you fainted, but glad you went on to join the choir. I was in our high school choir.

    1. It was so much fun to be in the high school choir.

  14. I do find them interesting.

  15. Yes, we have a story. There so many creative way of telling our story.
    Coffee is on.

  16. There are definitely worse things to be known for, lol! Glad you and your principal weren't seriously hurt! And yes, keep them coming, Mary. :)

    1. I look back and laugh about this one. That poor guy. lol

  17. I love your stories and would like to hear more!
    So sorry you fainted, but glad you joined the school choir.
    Hugs and blessings, Mary

    1. Thank you, the choir was so much fun back then.

  18. What an experience to faint on your first time on stage and how the principal needed stitches. I am sorry to hear that happened, but that's great it didn't deter you and you joined the choir even after that experience. I like reading your stories and would like to read more of them.

    1. Thank you. I loved the choir in high school.

  19. I remember when I was in elementary school, a few kids fainted off the top row of the risers. They had to stop the concert.

    I enjoy reading your stories!

    1. Oh wow, that's a bit of a fall. Thank you.

  20. Do I come across as an asshole if I say that it was a funny story? Except for the poor principal of course 😂. Seriously though...what strikes me the most is that it only happened to you on that particular stage, and you went on happily singing in choir after that.

    This incident reminded me of when I fell down a whole stair flight during my first year in high school. We were exiting class and going home...I was talking to a friend...and I don't know what happened. Luckily, I didn't get hurt - but the day after I had kids from other classrooms asking for my autograph LOL.

    Please keep your stories coming!

    1. Not at all. I can look back and laugh about this one. That poor guy. lol

      Oh that is funny that they asked for your autograph. I will keep them coming.

  21. Well, it definitely makes for a memorable story! I was the girl who puked all over the head cheerleader. She wouldn't move out of the doorway and kept doing her cheers when I told her to move . I couldn't get out, so all down her uniform it went.


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