Friday, August 09, 2024

How An Allergy To Raw Shrimp Got Worse Over Time


Back in 2012 I wrote a blog post about my allergy to raw shrimp but not cooked shrimp. Click the link to read it if you want. That post has over 44K views and over 100 comments from people who have the same allergic reaction to raw shrimp. That's a lot of people especially since I thought it would be a weird reaction that would be rare, obviously it's not. If I touched raw shrimp with my bare hands, I would get redness, itching and blisters.

In the past year I have noticed that my allergy has slowly gotten worse. Whenever I ate cooked shrimp, my mouth would itch and sometimes burn or sting. My throat started hurting but the reaction only lasted about 30 minutes so like with the other foods that cause this reaction (banana, avocado, cantaloupe, honey dew melon) I just dealt with it and ate it anyway. 

That is until about a month ago when I ate some shrimp that I cooked and within a few minutes the palms of my hands started burning and itching like crazy. The first time it happened the itching lasted for about 40 minutes and my back started itching too. 

I wanted to make sure that it was because of the shrimp so I ate some more a few weeks later and sure enough within a few minutes the palms of my hands started itching really bad and then so did my back. There were no hives, no visible marks, just incredible crazy itching. But this time the reaction lasted for an hour. So as of now, I don't eat shrimp anymore. I hope the other allergies for foods that I have don't get any worst. 

How weird is that, right? Do you have any food allergies?