Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Review: Dead Ice by Laurell K Hamilton

Book Blurb

Anita Blake has the highest kill count of any vampire executioner in the country. She’s a U.S. Marshal who can raise zombies with the best of them. But ever since she and master vampire Jean-Claude went public with their engagement, all she is to anyone and everyone is Jean-Claude’s fiancée.

It’s wreaking havoc with her reputation as a hard ass—to some extent. Luckily, in professional circles, she’s still the go-to expert for zombie issues. And right now, the FBI is having one hell of a zombie issue.

Someone is producing zombie porn. Anita has seen her share of freaky undead fetishes, so this shouldn’t bother her. But the women being victimized aren’t just mindless, rotting corpses. Their souls are trapped behind their eyes, signaling voodoo of the blackest kind.

It’s the sort of case that can leave a mark on a person. And Anita’s own soul may not survive unscathed . . .

My Review

I've been a fan of this series for years and this book is no exception. Anita Blake is called upon to find out who is raising zombies to make some weirdo zombie porn. Only thing is, when she and her fellow officers watch the porn video they can see something is very wrong. The zombie in the video looks scared. Zombies aren't supposed to be scared unless they somehow have their soul back...which just couldn't be...could it? 

The thought that some voodoo practitioner could take out and put back someone's soul so that the zombie body rots a little in between and the zombie knows what is going on but is helpless to do anything about it...yeah, that's some awful shit right there. 

In the middle of all the zombie kinkiness going on, Anita is trying to figure out who is going to be in her commitment ceremony because she doesn't want anyone to feel left out or for there to be any problems because someone was left out. She and Jean Claude are trying to figure out their wedding and what kind of rings to make that she can wear everyday. 

I used to really feel for Asher but his character is just going down the tubes in this one. He's making decisions that make no sense and it seems like he's doing things to try and make Jean Claude jealous and Anita mad but all he did was make himself seem like he might not be around much longer if he doesn't stop doing things to alienate everyone. His character just doesn't seem to fit into their group anymore and that's sad because I used to kinda like him, but not much anymore. 

People who have been a fan of this series since the beginning will like this book as well, I know I did. 

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. 

If you'd like to read this book, you can find it here