Sunday, March 23, 2025
Apartment Life #361
This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 26 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 26 years here in a weekly blog post.
It's been a full week. On Sunday evening the police showed up across the street for a domestic disturbance. Two people were arguing but neither of them went to jail or the ER so that's good I guess.
Sunday night into Monday morning between 12:30AM and 1AM, the police were across the street in the alley behind the apartments across the street on their loud speaker telling someone who had shot their gun off, that they had all four corners of the building surrounded and he needed to come out with his hands up. I heard the police on the loud speaker for about 30 minutes. The police helicopter was flying overhead the entire time too. I went back to sleep so I don't know if he was arrested but I'm guessing he was. The neighbors across the street that I talked to the next morning said they weren't sure if anyone was arrested.
I didn't get any pictures of this because it was late at night, and behind the apartments where I couldn't see them and I didn't want to go outside while all the police were telling a man to come out of his apartment on a loud speaker.
Monday morning the police pulled up across the street while I was out there with Falcor. They ran into the apartment courtyard right to the right of where they parked. Right after that I saw one of the homeless men who hang out there, run out and down the street all the while holding on to a broom. The police didn't see him run away and I have no idea why he was running. 2 of the other homeless guys were arrested because they were fighting and one of them was a bloody mess. He was handcuffed and put in the back of an ambulance while the other guy was taken away in a police car.
I got a picture of the ambulance when it showed up and one of the homeless guys was handcuffed and put in the back of it on a stretcher. The two men had been in a fist fight and someone called the police on them.
On Tuesday my brother and his girlfriend were here at my place and the guy across from me that I talked about in this blog post last week was shooting off his BB gun in the courtyard again. My nephew, his girlfriend and their 3 kids were also at my place at this time. So my brother called the police and told them what he was doing. The police showed up pretty fast.
The police came and they lined up by the side of his door and made him come outside.
Then they frisked him. They asked to see the BB gun and then they confiscated it. He was informed that shooting a BB Gun or any type of gun anywhere other than a gun range with the exception of in the case of protecting yourself, is a misdemeanor and he would be getting a fine for firing the weapon in the courtyard.
My brother sat outside and stared Johnathan down while Johnathan was questioned and his name was ran for warrants. Then my brother filled out a voluntary statement and signed the ticket as a witness.
Johnathan was not happy about the ticket and the court date that he's going to have to show up to next month. He slammed his door a whole lot after the police left. But I had a houseful of kids and any of those metal BB's could have ricocheted off something and come through my window and hit these kids that were here including a newborn baby. So that's what he gets for being irresponsible with his BB gun. I found out he'll be moving out at the end of April. So good riddance.
The high this week was 73F/22C
The low this week was 43F/6C
So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.
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