I found out earlier today that a good friend of mine passed away from a heart attack. Although we never met in person, we'd know each other through several yahoo groups and fb for many years. I was so shocked and saddened to hear of his passing, I'm still so sad about this.
William Watts or Tk as he was known to us was one of the nicest people I've even had the privilege of knowing. I met him during a time in my life when I had all but given up on there being people like he and his wife out there to meet. He renewed my faith in humanity and made me see there were still people in the world that would help another for no other reason than they wanted to.
I've received many holiday cards from he and his wife and sent many in return. He was proud of Canada where he lived and sent me Maple Leaf cookies to try because he wanted me to experience something he loved. I sent him something from Vegas so he would always have a little part of where I lived with him.
When I found out he loved spongebob square pants, I sent him a few spongebob stickers that he took pictures of after he put them on his riding mower.
I'll never get to meet Tk in person but we talked like we had lived next door to one another for years. He was like a member of my family and after my mom died last year I made it a point to let him know how much he meant to me. I told him since my mom passed away so suddenly, I wanted the people I loved to know how much they meant to me and how much I cared for him because we never know when we'll go to sleep and not wake up.
I'm so happy that I wrote that letter to him and let him know how much he had influenced my life for the better. Don't waste time never telling those you love how much they mean to you, because they can be taken away at any minute and then you'll never have the chance to.
Be happy and free, Tk. You'll be missed my friend.