Monday, October 31, 2022
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Apartment Life #338
This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 25 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.
I told you guys last week that it's finally cooling down here and it's open door season. Well, it's also open window season. I used window locks so the window can't be pried open more. But instead of uninstalling the window AC I just leave it there and bought a small window screen. The only problem is the board that keeps the window AC in the window was not cut straight so there's a little gap between the board, AC and the window or screen. So I had to come up with something to go in between the board/AC and the screen or window when I slide it closed. My bright idea was to roll a little bubble wrap into a tube, wrap it in plastic wrap, tape it and shove it in the gap. I've been doing this for 2 years. When the last one disintegrated, I bought some of that black foam window insulation foam. But it started designating within a month. There was no way that was going to last all Winter. So I made another bubble wrap tube. I know the pictures aren't great but you get the picture.
The funny thing is I started out with a small tube but I kept adding more bubble wrap in order to fill this gap and that gap and oh yeah now there are two more gaps. So it ended up being this ridiculous looking bubble wrap/plastic wrap/tape monstrosity. lmao This happens every damn time I got to make a new one. Every. Single. Time. It lasts about 6 months before I have to make a new one and it fits against the board/AC and keeps the rain out in the very rare times it rains and I have to close the window.
Yes, it works but I thought it was funny because I have no idea what I'm doing. Ken was an apartment maintenance man so I just know he's laughing his butt off in the afterlife every time I make this and stick it in there. Hey, it works. It just looks ridiculous. #ThereIFixedIt I am woman hear me roar and all that business.
Last week I showed you that my daughter bought a curtain panel and put it in the doorway to keep people from looking in during open door season. Many of you seemed worried that people would be able to just walk inside my apartment. rest assured, they cannot.
I have a metal security door that we always keep locked. I thought I would show you that so you wouldn't worry about that.
This past week my doorknob fell off. lol I made a work order online and thankfully maintenance came out the next business day which was Monday and fixed the doorknob. We had to be so careful with it for the weekend until it got fixed.
I was finally able to get a picture of drug dealer. I know that Shirley has been waiting for me to get a picture of him. Well, here ya go. Oh and a few weeks ago I posted a picture of his wife.
She's in the middle with the walker.
Let's hope that they really are getting evicted like my neighbor says they are. The amount of traffic coming and going from their apartment recently is crazy. And it seems like drug dealer has recruited the neighbor across from me to sell his drugs because he has people at his door all day and night now too. I was up and in the courtyard with Falcor at 3am because he had an upset stomach and people were coming and going from his door. That's the third time in two weeks that I've seen that when I'm up at that hour.
Y'all it was actually quiet around here this week. No police or ambulances or shouting. Isn't that wild?
The high this week was 76F/24C
The low this week was 46F/7C
So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Favorite Song of the Week!
I'm pretty sure that I've posted videos from Black Veil Brides before and when I heard this song I knew I had to share this one as well. I hope you enjoy it.
Friday, October 28, 2022
Freebie Friday!
Welcome to another weekly Freebie Friday post, where I tell you what free samples and full sized products I received in the mail and how you can get them too. Someone asked me why I do a "Freebie Friday" each week, so I'll tell you.
A while back I listed all the free samples and wins that I had received that previous year and so many people didn't believe that I could have gotten so many free things. So I decided to prove it by taking a picture every week and sharing the sites that I found the links to the freebies at. So now you too can get great free samples coming to your mailbox each week.
You can find links to great samples at Hey It's Free and Freebie Shark.
This week I received:
6 different perfume and men's cologne samples.
My favorite is Alien by Mugler.
Did you receive any freebies this week?
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Book Review: Resting Witch Face by Juliette Cross
Book Description
Twelve years ago, Jules Savoie ended her relationship with the vampire overlord of New Orleans, Ruben Dubois. For good reasons. A woman in power must often make sacrifices to protect others. She knows the truth of it down to her aching heart.
When Ruben watches his best friend Devraj get married, a stinging realization hits him hard…he’s done waiting. They say time heals all wounds. In this case, it merely sharpened the pain and made one fact crystal clear. Jules Savoie is his soulmate, and nothing would keep her from him. Not anymore.
Forced to work side by side to fight for the werewolf cause, they campaign together at covens from New Orleans to London. The reignited spark burns hotter than ever before. But when a power-hungry vampire sets his predatory sights on Jules, will their love be strong enough against black magic? Or will he lose her again? And this time, maybe…for good.
My Review
Jules and Ruben broke up twelve years ago because Jules didn't feel like she could trust him nor did she trust herself around him. Ruben is a vampire and Jules is a witch. But Ruben hasn't completely given up hope on them getting back together some day...and that day is soon. He's done waiting for her to come to him, he lets her know that he'll be pursuing her again. She's not sure if she's scared or excited, or maybe both. Jules still has feelings for him. So when they are thrown together to try and get the different factions of paranormals together in voting so that the werewolves have a seat at the table and can also vote on things that concern the paranormals, they find themselves giving into their feelings.
Jules and Ruben campaigning takes them into vampire territory, where something strange has been happening to some werewolves. They get invited to a masquerade, which was all kinds of lust, sex, magic and mystery. But instead of the masquerade being a fun time for them, they find themselves in danger and being betrayed by people they thought they could count on. Just when I thought that things were going to go in a totally different direction, Jules shows that she's more powerful than they gave her credit for.
I really liked this book. The entire series has been great so far.
I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Low Carb Breakfast and Lunch Ideas
I made me and my daughter both this for breakfast one day and we both liked it. It's 2 scrambled eggs, 2 breakfast sausages, sliced tomatoes that I threw in the frying pan and let soften, along with some sautéed mushrooms and spinach. It's very filling and low carb.
For lunch I had a spinach tossed with some lime juice and a sliced boiled egg. I made some chicken salad with a half of a left over chicken breast and sautéed mushrooms. I just added a little mayonnaise to it after chopping it small. I also had some heart of palm which you can find in a can. This was a very low carb lunch and I enjoyed it.
Would you eat this? Have you ever tried heart of palm?
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Book Review: Garrett's Destiny
Book Description
Love and danger . . .
For most of his life, Vampire-Demon Garrett Kayrs, nephew of the King of the Realm, has carried a heavy mantle of responsibility with ease and control. Fate declared him heir to the throne, Fortune marked him with the power of the mysterious circle of Seven, and Chance promised more surprises to come. Nothing deterred him from his path. Until the nightmares began--agonizing dreams of having a female, the female, his mate, on the back of his motorcycle—only to have her torn away from his protection. He feels the menace around her, the danger she’s in, and he can’t rest until he finds her . . .
Duty and desire . . .
Destiny Applegate bears the weight of her name with a respectful balance of fear and purpose. She has been given some direction, but not nearly enough to truly understand her duty, what she was born to do. Even as a child, she had a sense of him. The him, her mate. A dream moment or two with him that might have saved her—or possibly cursed her. So now, when he finds her, she has no choice but to jump on the back of his bike and do her best to hold on until she discovers her path—even if that means ending his.
My Review
Destiny (Dessie) has an inoperable brain tumor and she doesn't have much time left. So she wants to just live her life for as long as she can. When she runs into Garrett and she recognizes him from a dream she had of him and is drawn to him, he doesn't understand why he's also drawn to her. Garrett is a demon-vampire hybrid and one of the seven and is very suspicious of Dessie. All he knows is that he can't let her go until he figures out who or what she is even though everything in him says she's just a human. So she agrees to get on the back of his bike and come with him wherever he's going.
His friends don't really trust her but there's no talking him out of bringing her along. Dessie and Garrett feel a strong pull towards each other but she's not an enhanced female so she can't be his mate even though everything in him says she is. There are more questions than answers when it comes to Dessie for most of the book. But Garrett is not giving up on hoping that his family can somehow cure the tumor in her brain so they can figure out their future.
There's a huge twist about her, the tumor and the past few years of her life. Not to mention the fact that her aunt puts a hit out on her because the money her parents left her. There were so many things going against her and yet she seemed to take most of it in stride while Garrett is the one who's having a hard time dealing with it all and how it all pieced together. Sometimes you can see where a story is going but the twists in this one just kept coming and I never saw them coming or where this story was headed. But they made the storyline so much fun to read.
I've been reading this series from the beginning and have loved the books. But this one was even better than the last few and now I'm looking forward to reading the next one because it looks like the evil being that The Seven have been preparing going to be coming for them soon. I cannot wait!
I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.
Disclosure: I was given an e-ARC of this book via NetGalley but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Monday, October 24, 2022
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Apartment Life #337
This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 25 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.
The ambulance showed up for someone in drug dealers apartment this week. They were sitting up and talking so I don't know what was wrong with them.
The police also came to drug dealers apartment but I didn't know about it until afterwards. One of my neighbors saw it and told me. She said a bunch of people around here think he's a police informant and that's why the police are coming to his door so often but only stay for a few minutes and then leave with no one arrested. I mean, that would make sense. It would also explain why when he gets arrested, the police don't keep him for very long and he's still able to keep dealing from his apartment when the police know what's going on there.
My neighbor also told me that drug dealer and his wife just got a 30 day notice and that management aren't accepting their rent money because they were informed that they know they are selling drugs from their apartment and they just want them out. Ha! Drug dealer's wife told the other neighbor that she's going to fight it in court but I think the most she'll be able to get is an extra 30 days. We have something here called a 30 day No Cause. Meaning a landlord doesn't have to give you a reason for evicting you, all they have to say is they want the apartment back and the judges usually side with the landlords. So they might be gone in a couple of months. I can only hope.
My neighbor also told me that drug dealer and his wife just got a 30 day notice and that management aren't accepting their rent money because they were informed that they know they are selling drugs from their apartment and they just want them out. Ha! Drug dealer's wife told the other neighbor that she's going to fight it in court but I think the most she'll be able to get is an extra 30 days. We have something here called a 30 day No Cause. Meaning a landlord doesn't have to give you a reason for evicting you, all they have to say is they want the apartment back and the judges usually side with the landlords. So they might be gone in a couple of months. I can only hope.
My neighbor parked his car with his back wheel completely up on the sidewalk. Someone doesn't know how to park their car. lol
My daughter bought a small curtain rod and a curtain panel to hang in the doorway. It's almost open door season and we got sick of the nosy neighbors walking by looking in. I swear some of the tweakers look in making me think they are casing my place to see what they might steal. Now they can't see anything and the curtain is light enough to still let in the cool air.
The high this week was 89F/31C
The low this week was 59F/15C
So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Favorite Song of the Week!
I've posted Slipknot before a few times but I like this song so I wanted to post this one too. You've probably gathered that I listen to them quite a bit.
Friday, October 21, 2022
Freebie Friday!
Welcome to another weekly Freebie Friday post, where I tell you what free samples and full sized products I received in the mail and how you can get them too. Someone asked me why I do a "Freebie Friday" each week, so I'll tell you.
A while back I listed all the free samples and wins that I had received that previous year and so many people didn't believe that I could have gotten so many free things. So I decided to prove it by taking a picture every week and sharing the sites that I found the links to the freebies at. So now you too can get great free samples coming to your mailbox each week.
You can find links to great samples at Hey It's Free and Freebie Shark.
This week I received:
A Christmas Mug set from Walmart Spark Reviewer.
It's so cute and they are nice size mugs.
Did you receive any freebies this week?
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Book Review: Draekon Mate: Exiled to the Prison Planet: A Sci-Fi Dragon Shifter Menage Romance by Lili Zander and Lee Savino
Book Description
Crashed spaceship. Prison planet. Snarling, lethal predators. Two big, hulking, bronzed aliens who turn into dragons. The best part? The dragons insist I’m their mate.
The Zorahn wanted women for some kind of super-secret science experiment, and I volunteered. Dumb move, right? But they promised we’d be safe, and they offered a lot of money. Money I needed desperately.
Of course, everything went wrong.
Our spaceship has crashed on a prison planet, one where the Zorahn exile their most dangerous criminals. My friends are injured. I’m all alone on a jungle planet where everything is designed to kill me.
Then I run into the Draekons. When they see me, they change into dragons and burn the predators threatening me to a crisp. They feed me and care for me, and they keep me safe.
But there’s a catch. The Draekons insist that I’m their mate. And the only way they can shift into dragons again to save my friends? Both of them need to mate with me. At the same time.
This isn't the space vacation I thought it would be.
Draekon Mate is the first book in the new Dragons in Exile series. It’s a full-length, standalone science fiction dragon-shifter MFM menage romance story featuring a snarky human female, and two arrogant aliens that keep her warm, with or without dragon fire. (No M/M) Happily-ever-after guaranteed!
My Review
Viola and some other women volunteer to go to a space station where alien scientists will run a few experiments on them for six months and then bring then safely home. They have been offered a lot of money and their safety has been guaranteed in exchange they will help the alien people cure a disease they have. But instead of the space station, their space craft crash lands on a prison planet with a bunch of draekon's. After the translators are put in their ears, Viola can understand the aliens and they keep her safe but she doesn't tell them about the others on the crashed ship because she isn't sure right away that she can trust them.
Once she is safe, fed and taken care of by two of the draekon aliens, they let her know that she must be their mate because that's the only reason they would have shifted into dragons when they saw her. But in order for them to be able to shift at will, she will have to mate with both of them. She's not sure about them at first but they end up being really great guys. The other men there are really nice too so when she learns the real reason they are there and have been exiled, she's shocked.
The world building was awesome, it really set this series up for some fun in the future. I look forward to reading more from this series now.
I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Low Carb Recipe: Green Vegetable Stir Fry Medley and Orange Mousse
Boil the green beans for 3 minutes, cover and set aside for 6 more minutes. Then I stir fried together the brussel sprouts, broccoli and cabbage in a little oil for about 7 minutes. Drain the green beans and add them to the other vegetables. I poured over a mixture of 1/4 cup of vegetable stock, 1/4 cup soy sauce and 1 tsp. corn starch mixed together. You can add other spices that you like. I added some McCormick Roasted garlic and herb seasoning. Let cook over medium low heat for 7-10 minutes depending on how tender you like your vegetables. I served mine with a fried chicken breast.
For dessert I made an orange mousse.
You'll need..
2 cups heavy whipping cream
1 package sugar free Jello- any flavor you want
Pour Jello powder into a bowl and add 1 cup boiling water. Stir until powder is dissolved. Set aside to cool.
In a large mixing bowl whisk the heavy whipping cream with a hand mixer until it starts to get thicker and has doubled in size but is still liquidy, not thick like whip cream yet. Add cooled Jello liquid and mix with hand mixer until it is the consistency of whip cream. Put into refrigerator to chill.
This was so good!
Would you eat either of these dishes?
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Book Review: The Alpha Heist by Kate Rudolph
Book Description
The alpha keeps what's his...
No one steals from Luke Torres. His fortress is legend and his pack of lions are deadly, ready to face any threat. When Luke meets Mel, she knocks his socks off with a scorching kiss, but when they meet again, they are captor and captive in a deadly game of cat vs. cat.
The thief is up to the task...
From the moment Mel takes the assignment, she knows that it should be impossible. But for the supernatural world's foremost thief, impossible is an irresistible challenge. Especially when the payment for this job will get her one step closer to revenge. When the job goes belly up, she finds herself in the lion's den and facing off with the most alluring man she's ever met. Can she find a way to complete the job without losing her heart?
One alpha, one thief, and an adventure of a lifetime.
The Alpha Heist is number one of a three part series called Stealing the Alpha. Book two, Entangled with the Thief, and book three, In the Alpha's Bed, are available now. This series is complete.
My Review
Mel is told to steal a gem from the lion shifters. She makes a plan with two other people to do that, steals it, gets caught, gets the hots for the alpha lion and then escapes.
I wish I could write a real review for this book but I can't because that's all that happened. There are things about Mel that I don't understand and we don't get much if any info on her background or why she is stealing for the woman that seems to have something over her. This was a very short book. It says it's book one of three books but in my opinion, it's part one of a book. It ends in a cliffhanger as well as not even being a full story. How can you call this book one when nothing happens?
This felt more like the first chapter in a book rather than the first book. This book was free but the next two books are $3 a piece. Would I take a chance that the next book isn't another chapter like book that ends on a cliffhanger? No. I will not be reading the next book not anything else from this author because if they pull this type of thing once, you can pretty much bet they will do it again and if there's anything I loathe, it's a cliffhanger or this type of nonsense.
If I could give this zero stars I would. So it gets 1 star from me.
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Apartment Life #336
This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 25 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.
Last week the police showed up in the parking lot of where my daughter works. She sent me these pictures of what she saw.
The police and an ambulance were there.
The police pulled over a woman in a car and then started searching her car.
Then they helped her out of the car and she got in the ambulance and was taken to the hospital.
The police stayed for at least 2 hours though, searching her car.
My daughter isn't sure exactly what happened but they were there for a long time.
Of course the police were at the far side of my apartment complex. I snapped this picture as a second car was driving by my window and headed down to the last building in my complex. My camera doesn't take great far away pictures so I was glad I spotted this police car coming around the corner so I could get a picture of it. I don't know why they were down there.
On Tuesday one of my neighbors was outside having a meltdown after the sun went down. She had a table set up outside her door and was blowing up balloons and stringing them together and she walked inside her apartment for a minute and her I think 5-year-old son let the balloons go and they ended up in the tree and every once in awhile I could hear one popping and she was so mad. You left a five-year-old by a big bundle of balloons and expected him to what, not let them go? I guess you'll have to buy some more balloons. I wonder when the party is, I want cake.
On Friday I was taking Falcor for a walk. One of the drug addicts that I see outside all the time and says Good Morning to me all the time was out there. As I walked past him, he says good morning so I looked at him and said it back and then I realize that he has a razor blade and is slicing open his upper arm. He must have seen the look of shock on my face because he laughed and said, "I'm fine, I've blown all my veins and had to slice myself open in order to access one."
He then sticks his needle into the cut and shoots up with whatever drug was in the needle. He's already out of it and has his eyes closed by that time and I just keep walking. All this happens in just a few seconds but after Falcor does his business I have to walk past him again to get home and he's completely passed out while blood runs down his arm.
Ya know, my parents were both drug addicts so I've seen some stuff but this was a first even for me. Damn.
I will leave you with something good today. Here's a little video of my apartment decorated for Halloween.
The high this week was 90F/32C
The low this week was 66F/18C
So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Favorite Song of the Week
Did you know that Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester from Supernatural) could sing like this? I did! Haha. I've watched so many videos of him singing that I knew he could sing. So when I found out he had a band and they made some songs I went looking for them. His band, Radio Company has several great songs but this is my favorite so far that I've found because dang, it really shows off his voice. I hope you like this one too.
Friday, October 14, 2022
Freebie Friday!
Welcome to another weekly Freebie Friday post, where I tell you what free samples and full sized products I received in the mail and how you can get them too. Someone asked me why I do a "Freebie Friday" each week, so I'll tell you.
A while back I listed all the free samples and wins that I had received that previous year and so many people didn't believe that I could have gotten so many free things. So I decided to prove it by taking a picture every week and sharing the sites that I found the links to the freebies at. So now you too can get great free samples coming to your mailbox each week.
You can find links to great samples at Hey It's Free and Freebie Shark.
This week I received:
A Daily Goodie box which I reviewed yesterday.
Ocean's Halo seaweed snacks.
And I won a book in a Goodreads giveaway.
I'm looking forward to reading the book. You can read about the products in the Daily Goodie Box in yesterdays post. I gave my daughter the seaweed snacks since she likes them and I don't.
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Review: Daily Goodie Box- October
The Daily Goodie Box has been around since about July of 2016. I signed up for an account right after I heard about them. They are 100% free, you don't even have to pay for shipping. And for a free box it's a nice sampler box of products.
What was in the box?
Britenz whitening pen- I tried the whitening pen on my teeth and I think it might have whitened my teeth a little bit. I will keep using it and see if it whitens my teeth anymore.
Incredible Eats chocolate spoon- This chocolate spoon would be great for ice cream. My daughter tried it and says it's really good chocolate.
BLNCN CBD Beverage- My daughter and I both tried this and neither one of us liked it. But neither one of us like sparkling water. It was not great tasting and neither one of us felt anything from the CBD that was in it.
Chiki Buttah’s Organic Sample Pack.- It included their Cannabliss Balm, Organic CBD Oil and Healing Hemp Face Serum. The Cannabliss balm has CBD and Arnica oil in it. I tried the little sample on my feet when I had neuropathy from diabetes. I thought because it had Arnica in it that it would help with the pain and I was actually pleasantly surprised that it did help with the neuropathy pain in my feet. I didn't have pain for the rest of the night after rubbing this balm into my feet. The other two products really didn't do anything for me though.
Coba Coffee Chocolate Bars- I took one bite and couldn't eat the rest. Now I like coffee and I like chocolate but this was so bitter and the texture was grainy. I just didn't like it.
Goodlight Apricot Olive Leaf Candle- I loved this candle. It has a unique scent to it but it lasted a long time and since I like candles, this was a big hit with me. And on their website this candle tin is only $4.99 which is a good price.

All they ask you to do is try the products and leave reviews for the products you got in order to be eligible for more Free Goodie Boxes. As you guys already know, I'm a fan of all these types of boxes. I love all the different subscription boxes and it's really nice to be able to try new to me products for free. This is a great box to try for.
Oh and one more thing, if you visit their FB Page, they give away Goodie Boxes to people who interact with their posts. So if you've tried before and weren't able to get a Goodie Box, there's even more ways to get one now.
Have you signed up? Have you received one of these boxes?
I'm a fan of subscription boxes and love trying new products for free so this was a huge hit with me. New products+free box = Fabulous!
Disclosure: I was given and free box in exchange for a review but all opinions are my own.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Low Carb Recipe: Zoodles and A Frozen Fruit Treat
I have a Julienne vegetable peeler that I used for this but you can use one of those slicers that makes zoodles from zucchini. Or if you're really good at chopping and have great knife skills you can make these thin julienne slices yourself.
What to do.
Using a julienne vegetable peeler, slice up one zucchini, one cucumber and one small carrot. Toss with a tablespoon of lemon juice and whatever seasoning you like. I used the McCormick Roasted Herb and Garlic. You can eat it as side as is or toss with a little salad dressing of your choice.
I also have a sweet dessert recipe for you.
Blend together 1 can of Coconut Cream and 3 cups of any frozen fruit of your choosing. I used blueberries and a few strawberries. I kept a few blueberries whole to stir in and place on top. It made enough for me, my daughter and grandson. It was so good. Almost like a fruit ice cream.
Would you try either of these?
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Book Review: Dark Whisper by Christine Feehan
Book Description
Vasilisa Sidkorolyavolkva is a Lycan of royal blood. She knows what is expected of her, but all she wants is to be out from under her family’s watchful eyes. There is a fire inside her that is building. A restlessness coupled with a sense of growing dread. Every day she feels the weight of the legacy passed down through generations. The prophecy that says a man will come to claim her as his mate, and that she will guard his soul. She knows nothing about him except that he is hers. But nothing seems real until the night she meets him in the flesh....
Afanasiv Belan is a Carpathian, an ancient one. In all the centuries of his existence, no one has ever affected him like Vasilisa. He can see into her mind and feel what is in her heart. They are so alike, warriors bound by honor and plagued by secrets. They both know they must reveal the darkest parts of their souls if they hope to survive and protect the ones they love.
But if they claim each other as lifemates, it will change them down to the bone. They will become something more—something feared by both of their kinds....
My Review
Vasilisa Sidkorolyavolkva is being pushed by her family and people to take a mate soon. She is one of the royal lycans and she knows her duty but she also knows that she cannot mate just yet. She holds a secret inside her that even her family doesn't know. She holds the other half of a Carpathian male's soul. She knows she is destined to be his mate but she also knows that because of her friendship with a female Carpathian, she is different from her family and no longer fully Lycan. If her family were to find out, there might be big trouble for her because her family and her people already don't trust the Carpathians.
When Vasilisa comes across a Carpathian male that needs her help, she knows that he's her mate and so does he. She doesn't think that she's ready to be a mate to someone yet but the pull between them is strong. Afanasiv Belan is an ancient Carpathian who had been staying at the monastery with some of the other ancient Carpathian males. They are very old, and very dangerous because they have lived so long without their mates. Some of them are close to turning vampire or meeting the sun so they don't turn into vampires. Vampires are Carpathians that have lived too long and chosen to turn into evil vampires. Carpathian males hunt these evil creatures and kill them. Afanasiv has killed too many to count and with each new kill they are pushed to the edge without their mates.
I liked Afanasiv because he knew right away that Vasilisa was a warrior, an equal to himself and he didn't try to stop her from being what she is. If you've been reading this series you know how dominant and alpha some of these Carpathian males can be, always telling their mates what is best for them. It gets old, at least to me so it was nice to see this male being proud of the warrior Vasilisa was. The action scenes were great. The romance between Afanasiv and Vasilisa took a backseat to the story of how the evil has infiltrated her family, how it got there and who was behind it though. I was really kind of hoping for more romance between these two but we don't really get that until towards the end of the book because there was so many other things going on getting in the way of that.
This book for me was a little slow though with all the rehashing of some of the backstory of some of villains that we already know. I also think some of the names of these characters are starting to get ridiculous. Yes, they are unique but in my head while reading I know I'm not pronouncing them right and just shorten them for myself.
The twists and turns this story took made it interesting though. There were so many times I thought I knew where this story was going or who was behind the curtain pulling the strings, only to find out I was wrong. If you've been reading this series from the beginning like I have, you'll like this installment but this series is really best to be read in order because of all of the characters who have a habit of showing up unexpectedly in some books throughout the series. Not that I'm complaining about this, I like seeing old couples and finding out how they are. But because there are so many couples, so many characters and more characters popping up in each new book, it's best to read in order to get the full effect. The ancients from the monastery and their mates are really adding new facets to this series which I like and there are still many ancients who haven't found their mates yet so it'll be interesting to see finds their mate next.
I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.
Disclosure: I received an e-cook copy via NetGalley but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
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