I've been busy doing all sorts of things, among them has been taking pictures or finding pictures in my many, many photo albums and scanning them to post on Fb so I could share them with my family that has no idea I still had them. Hey, I'm not called the picture keeper for nothing!
I've got all the pictures from my mom and dad that they had when they were little and I have all the families pictures that have been taken at all the family functions ect. I have about 20 very large photo albums and 4 large scrapbooks that I myself made.
I really love taking pictures and having the old pictures of my family and I. I even have pictures of really old cars and pictures of my grandpa when he was a kid. Not too long ago I went through the old pictures that my dad gave me years ago and had him tell me who some of the people were in the photos. I found I had a picture of my dad's grandparents. How cool is that?
So this is what I have been doing this week...

This is a picture I took of my String Doll that my daughter gave me. I wrote an article about string Dolls and should have it published in 2 weeks after the editor approves it.

Here's a picture of my rats that my daughter took. One of my rats, Hades is laying on his back and the other rats are snuggling with him.

This is a picture of my brother Billy and I. I was 16 at the time so it must have been in 1986..can you believe that? Oh how time flys. My brother didn't even know I still had this picture until I uploaded it to FB.

Here's a picture of the boys cage right after I had cleaned it. They messed it up right afterwards. They love to snuggle into those baby blankets.

and this is a picture of my childhood best friends kittens, back in 1984. That cats face is just priceless...He was yawning and made that face...LOL