Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Book Review: Protection of A Bear by Jennifer Snyder


Book Description

His bear wants her, but she’s running scared from her past. Will he be able to save the woman who’s managed to capture his heart?

Hunter Shaw and his bear lead a tranquil life managing Shaw Cabins with his three siblings on their family mountain. That is until he meets a woman who stirs something in them both, causing Hunter to feel restless in his own skin. His previously content existence now feels lifeless and hollow. Hunter needs more—he needs her.

Naomi Hart recently broke things off with someone and left town. The problem is, her ex didn’t accept. Now she’s in a cabin on a mountain terrified he’ll find her. When the attractive owner of the cabins, whom she can’t seem to stay away from, offers to protect her, Naomi knows she shouldn’t take him up on it. After all, her ex isn’t exactly human.

As the attraction between Hunter and Naomi grows stronger, her pursuer catches up with her. Hunter understands in order to protect her, he may need to release his bear. But will Naomi accept what he is, or will fear of his family secret push her away?

My Review

Naomi is on the run from her ex-boyfriend who happens to be a panther shifter. He's not taking no for an answer and he's been sending her texts letting her know she's his and he's on his way to find her. She just wants to be left alone after seeing that the ex is not a nice guy. 

A lady Naomi has never met before gives her something at a gas station and tells her about a bakery for a better snack than what she could find at the gas station. So she goes there and runs into Hunter. Hunter is having a bad day and the fact that Naomi just bought the last sprinkle donut does nothing to alleviate his grumpiness. So when they run into each other again and he helps her during a bad thunderstorm, they stop fighting the attraction they feel for one another and get together. But her ex is still sending her texts and has no intention of letting her go. She wants to leave but Hunter tells her he can help her but she has no idea that Hunter is also a shifter. So when they showdown happens, the ex is in for a shock. 

Hunter is a big, burly, kinda grumpy dude. But he turns into a love sick fool once he and Naomi get together. Who knew that finding your mate could make that much of a difference in your personality. 

His brothers are great secondary characters and I am looking forward to seeing them find their mates as well. This was such a fun read. I liked that we got to see how things are working out in the epilogue at the end of the book too.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.