His damned brother Honey, had gotton into a fight with him, bit his tail about 2 inches from the base and the only thing left was the bones. ewwww.
So I called my Vet, and she told me to come right in. Well let me tell you, after the tail was inspected, Spirit was put to sleep so they could work on his tail and cut the bone off and sew it up on the end, ...the bill was whopping...$150.00!!! Oh Damn. You better believe my hubby wasn't happy about that. lol
So I get him home and put him in the cage with his brother, he goes over to him and lays down, honey then proceeds to clean his face for him. awww too cute. They slept on the second shelf of the cage right next to one another and the vet told me sometimes they will fight.
So then I cleaned out the ratty
Gave the ratties fresh watermelon. Rat heaven. My goodness. Sticky little pink rat feet everywhere.
My hamsters
I tell ya these little guys can sure make hell with ya. My dwarf hamster is mean. She comes out and just bites the hell outta me. lol I have little hamster bites all over my arm now. Little brat.