Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Everyone Has A Story, Here's One of Mine

I've been thinking of writing an autobiography or memoir but it just never comes together for me but I figured if I write one story at a time and post it on my blog maybe once a month, I can do that. Maybe one day I'll pull all the stories together and put them in a book but for now I'll just share some stories with you about my childhood. Some of the stories will be happy, some sad and some horrific because that was my childhood. But they will all be real, things that actually happened. If it seems like something that people enjoy reading maybe I'll keep it going. These stories will not be in any kind of order, I'll just write them as they come to me.

My Brother stood up to a bully for me when he was in kindergarten

I'm 2 1/2 years older than my younger brother. So when I was in 2nd grade my brother was in kindergarten. We were in the same school and hung out on the playground together before school. There was a little blonde girl named Nikki who used to pick on me and bully me. We were in the same grade but different classrooms. So before school she would be picking on me and my brother saw her doing it. 

One day we were in front of the classroom doors before the bell rang and Nikki had just pushed me for whatever reason. I don't even remember what she had said to me. My brother picked up one of those tiny kids chairs, sat it down right in front of her so he could stand on it and told her to leave his sister alone. When she laughed at him...he punched her in the nose. lol Now I wouldn't have thought that was funny as a teacher or a mother but I sure think it's funny now. 

I don't remember if he got in trouble or not but I remember she left me alone after that. 


  1. Bullies often retreat when someone stands up to them. I am so glad that your brother was there for you that day.

  2. Good for him. Bullies are a nightmare to deal with when you're a kid, and adult authority figures often don't take the problem seriously.

    1. The teachers did nothing to help when I told them about it.

  3. Wow! I’m glad your brother had your back.

  4. Awesome little brother!

  5. Best story! I can just see your little brother standing on that chair punching her in the nose. I love it. :D

    1. It was so funny to think about now.

  6. Best story! I can just see your little brother standing up on that chair and punching her in the nose. :D

  7. Lol! That was nice of your brother. Yes, a lot of times a bully with stop if you stand up to them. Hope he didn't get into trouble.

  8. Well, that will teach her. Maybe he cured her of be a bully early on. What a hero!

  9. That was funny and he was so good protecting you!

  10. And that was blondie's first lesson that there are consequences. Don't start nothing, won't be nothing.

  11. Technically, this is wrong - but good for him lol

  12. Oh, what a great memory. Are you still close with your brother?

  13. That's so sweet your brother stood up for you like that and good that the bully left you alone after that.


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