Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Review: Alien Mate by Cara Bristol

Book Description

I'm Starr Elizabeth Connor. Earth's government falsely convicted me of a crime, packed me on a ship with other female felons, and sent us to Dakon, a primitive, frozen wasteland of a planet. Why? Earth needs minerals, and Dakon is desperate for females.

But I'm no barbarian’s 'mail order bride,' even if he is super tall, muscular, and the chief of his tribe. He doesn’t want a BBW blonde, either--it's written all over his chiseled face. He'll be truly angry if he ever learns what my 'crime' was.

I am Torg. I have waited 34 rotations for a mate of my own. With this shipment, I was sure to get a fine, sturdy mate who'll bear me many daughters. Instead, I receive a small, curvy, pale-haired female who looks at me with anger and fear.

It is only when we 'kiss' that I believe things may work out between us. But I'm hearing rumors that Starr and her shipmates are law-breakers. To survive, Dakonians must obey all laws … or be exiled into the frozen wasteland. Just when I have found her, will I have to send my mate to die?

My Review

I'm a huge fan of alien's and alien planets in books so when I read a couple of reviews for this one, I knew I had to read it and I'm so glad I did because it was really good. 

Starr was falsely convicted of murder and put on a space ship with other convicted criminal females and sent off to an alien planet to be mates for their males in exchange for the alien planets minerals that Earth wants. But the Dakonians don't realize they are being sent criminals or that all the women with the exception of Starr were given a choice to come and be mates or serve out their prison sentences. 

I loved Torg and his brother. He's such a great character and even though he had in his mind what he thought he'd like for a female, he made things work right from the beginning and I really liked that about him. 

Torg's planet is a frozen mess after an asteroid destroyed so much of it and killed off most of their females but I really liked how they fought back and were making things work. I also liked how the Dakonians were so compatible with humans but there were small differences between the two races. While they were able to communicate because of a translator, the different phrases or words that they weren't able to understand completely made communication quite funny at times and I love it when a story can make me laugh. 

There are some problems that arise because some Dakonians don't think they should be polluting their gene pool with other races and there's also other complications because of jealousy but I liked how things were worked out and the conclusion was quite good. There's also a bit of a mystery of who is trying to hurt whom and why and there's a great twist that comes with that story line.  

While things didn't work out as either of them had expected, this story made for a really good read and I am really glad that I went with my gut and tried this new to me author. 

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.


  1. Lots of reviews lately :D

    1. I did a lot of reading last month. lol

  2. Always good to find a new author one likes.

  3. Sounds like a decent sci-fi, judging by the review which was great. Nice of you to share. Thanks!

  4. The aliens must be rockin' it!

  5. Great review Mary I'm too pulled in by the thought of Alien Mates :)

  6. Oh this sounds fun and I like the,touch of humor regarding communication

  7. I love a good Alien book. This one sounds like it is! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. You're very welcome. It was so much fun.

  8. This one is new to me and it sounds like a fun read. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I haven't read all that many alien books, any recommendations for your favorites?

    1. I've only read a couple alien books and this one was a really good one.

  10. I am glad to hear you enjoyed this one. I have read this one and enjoyed it. I agree it was nice to see how Torg had ideas of what he would like in a women, but was openminded enough to adjust his views as well.

    Some of the communication issues were fun to read indeed! I also like the twist at the end, it was well done. Great review!

    1. Thanks. I remember you liked this one. It was a fun read for sure.

  11. You're welcome. I really enjoyed this one.

  12. You have been doing a lot of reading.
    Always good to read your reviews.

    Have a happy August.

    All the best Jan

  13. I haven't read too many alien themed books, but this one looks hot! Sometimes reading a new author pays off. :) ~Aleen

    1. I haven't either but this one was really good.

  14. I loved this book too. I reviewed it on my blog as well.

    1. So glad to hear I wasn't the only one who loved it.

  15. I really loved this story too. I've heard that she is going to write another story set in this world. I don't know exactly what it will be or when, but has me excited either way. Great review.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

  16. Not my usual type of book but love the idea of female criminals being given the option of becoming mail order brides instead of serving out their sentences. I think I'd rather go to prison, unless the "bride" got to come home in a few years. Great review!

    1. At least the men on the other planet were really happy to get the women. They tried hard to make them happy so that was nice.

  17. Yay! Glad to see you enjoyed this one, too. I thought it was neat that she was unexpected, but he changed his mind about what he wanted. Ha! Yes, those miscues were hilarious, but I loved it to balance out the mystery, too.

    1. It was so much fun. They both were great together.

  18. I need to read more aliens, I think. You're the 3rd blog I've read today that was all woohoo! lol

  19. Anonymous3:24 AM

    You have been doing a lot of reading.
    Always good to read your reviews.



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